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Back inside the stadium there was nobody but soldiers. Most of the torches on the wall were put out. Only the three being held by the soldiers still shone brightly. Match assumed the stadium was closed after a good old fashioned 'eleven deaths out in the open for anyone to see'.

The soldiers had pushed the remcamen back into their cages with spears. Match didn't fight them though. She got up from her sitting position and looked at them blankly.

ErkTrout found her obedience amusing.
"Look at this one. Quite docile ain't it? Maybe my discipline worked too well, ha!" ErkTrout laughed.
Match continued to stare at him, but opened her mouth.
"...ha.. ha.. haa.. mnn," Match mimicked his laugh in a slow, condescending manner. Even though he was wearing a helmet Match could tell ErkTrout was taken aback by the mockery. 

"It's laughing at you mate," Max said.
"Yeah, is a little freaky. Don't like it," ErkTrout adjusted his helmet and then pushed Match into her cage. The rest of the soldiers took the ladder out and pushed the lid back on. 

Now in the current time Match was watching them leave. Her time to join them was nearing. In her mouth the fingernail sized parasite rolled around in her saliva like a tigh and gooey clump of blood. Its little tentacles hooking itself around her teeth like a clever octopus as it passed by. 

"Do you know what's on the menu?" A soldier asked another. 
"Your wife Ha!" another said.
Max walked up to ErkTrout and pointed behind him to the cages.
"We're not bringing the little monsters?" Max asked.
"Ah no. I'd like to keep an eye on em but his majesty is too spooked to keep them in the castle," ErkTrout said.
"I agree with him sir. I don't want them sneaking up on me. Already had a nightmare with what happened the other day," Max said. 

They started to head out with all the other soldiers. Talking amongst one another. 

"Those remcamen have nothing on you my boy. At least not when I'm around.."
As they walked away, silence and darkness filled the stadium.


Thirty minutes had passed...
Match knew the stadium was truly empty now. She climbed up the bars of the cage and leaned her body back. Now her bottom was lined up with the gap in the bars. She put her feet through and let go with her arms. Now her head was on the floor and her feet were through the bars. Maybe she should've done this differently. 

From behind her the extension cord used his cord tail to lift Match's head up and pushed her through the rest of the way. Match fell over on the outside of the cage, free.

The remcamen gasped with delight as Match got up. She put one hand on her mouth to shush them, and the other gave a thumbs up. 
The remcamen got quieter but they couldn't entirely contain their excitement. Match turned to the hallway ahead but she heard the extension cord screech at her. She turned back around to him.

The extension cord used his tail to point outward. He then circled it around something and pointed to himself and all of the others.
He wanted Match to come back for them. Understanding, Match nodded to them. To make sure they knew she understood, she walked up to the cage and pretended to pull the bars apart.

The remcamen all crowded around her chirping with glee. If they were dogs they would wag their tails (the extension cord did a little) but they were objects, and they were saying thank you.

Match put her hand on the extension cord's forehead. He closed his eyes and grumbled peacefully like some alien creature. What had become of this once proud object? Did his friends miss him? Did they even know what had happened to him? Match didn't even know how old he was or if he had a lover.
The curse had taken all of those things away from him. People could only see him as the animal that had consumed him. Forced to stay away if they knew what was best for them.

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