Rain Water

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A/N: Potentially triggering. Proceed with caution.

Grumbling discontent to her heart, Izuna sat down at the base of one of the trees, getting too tired from standing. By now, no one was left but her in the clearing. Whatever happened on the mission to get Rin to be so late, Izuna was going to wait for her, even her whole life.

But Rin never came.

It was Kakashi who did.

And Minato.

Izuna knew what was happening, no matter how much she wanted to deny it.

The first time team Minato came to her, Obito died.

Kakashi and Minato were together, without Rin.

Rin was dead.

Like Izuna thought, nobody was allowed to be this happy.

Now Rin was just like Obito, d e a d.

And Izuna was alive.

The rain was falling heavily, drenching everyone who hadn't bothered bringing an umbrella. She hadn't, Kakashi hadn't. They were drenched.

The water mixed with Izuna's silent tears, pelting harshly on her skin, but it didn't get her out of her shock. No, she was stuck reading a name that didn't belong on the stone. Her body shivered, but Izuna didn't notice, she couldn't. She wasn't cold, she didn't feel the cold, she couldn't feel the cold. She was too much shocked.

"Izu- na." Kakashi muttered brokenly, was he crying too? Was she crying? Was it only the rain? Was she a bastard child who didn't feel remorse when her sister just died? Was she a monster? Was she the reason Rin didn't come home? Did Rin get distracted thinking about Izuna on her mission? Was Rin dead because of Izuna? Did Izuna kill Ri- "Hey, look at- look at me."

Kakashi gently squeezed Izuna's hand. Minato left after the funereal ended, knowing that he couldn't comfort either of them this time--he didn't have it in him--and Kakashi was stuck in the same position that the Namikaze had been in Obito's funereal; holding Izuna's hand.

Izuna looked at him, seeing his eyes looking as broken as hers as she immediately averted her gaze, tears burning her eyes, not having the strength to look at someone who looked like t h a t. She swallowed heavily, her breath irregular and rapid as Kakashi knelt down in front of her, his free hand gripping her shoulder in a way that told her she wasn't alone, but Rin was Izuna's sister, not Kakashi's. How could he understand?

"Come 'ere." The Hatake mumbled numbly, like he knew where her trail of thought was going as he brought the girl into his grip, his free arm wrapping itself around Izuna. The Uchiha made to hug him back when she noticed that the claws in her left hand--the hand he was holding--were outstretched, impaired deeply into the boy's palm and protruding from the back, but he acted as if it didn't bother him. She could feel how his skin was ripped and how one of his bones was shattered from the pressure, she could feel how his hand shook violently, clenching around her claws tightly from the inside as the nerves gushed blood on them both.

As soon as she had pierced him, Kakashi knew that he was losing her to her thoughts. She saved him from his by the pain from her sudden, cruel stab, and he was entitled to save her back. It was excruciating, with the way her claws were buried in his hand, but it stopped him from drowning.

Kakashi coughed out in agony as Izuna hastily drew back her claws, wounding him further with her aggressiveness, but would he rather have her withdraw them slowly so as to feel the metal scratching him mercilessly? He didn't know which was worse, but he deserved it. He didn't even tell her, he was a coward.

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