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"Jack. What're you doing way out here?"

I looked up from the ground I had been sleeping on to see Mo. "No one likes me so I'm staying out here."

He sat down beside me. "No one likes you huh?"


"That's a shame. You're a nice kid."

I looked over at him. "Nice doesn't get you anywhere. You just turn into a doormat or a punching bag," I said.

"I'm certain people like you, Jack."

"Not according to Cupid."

"What's Cupid know other than love and hate? Liking something and disliking something isn't something he gets. Love and Hate are the only thing Cupid can get. He doesn't hate you and I don't think he loves you, but since he doesn't understand liking someone or disliking someone, he just acts hateful towards you. Hateful, but not real hate. See what I mean?"

"How do you know that?" I asked.

"He talks to me a lot," he said.

"I can see why."

He smirked. "I think it's time you went home, Jack. Your mom is worried about you. It's nine at night."

"I know..."

"I'll take you home," I said.

"It's a full moon tonight, though."

"I know. Hop on my back."

I did as he said and was curious to know if he'd take me to be a face in the moon tonight. He told me to close my eyes and I did so. I was enraptured into all white, and when I woke up - it was morning and I was in my bed. I heard Mom laugh from the kitchen, a rare noise to hear. I got up and went to the kitchen to see Mom smiling, looking younger and more alive. She was at the table drinking coffee with Mo.

"Morning dear," Mom said when she saw me.

"Morning," I yawned. "What happened last night?"

"You went to the moon," Mo said.


"Yep. There were two faces last night."

"Cool," I said smiling.

I went to my room and put on my blue pants and white sweater that kind of twinkled in the light. I styled my white hair and put on my deodorant. Then I put on mint perfume and shoes, kissed Mom goodbye, said thanks to Mo, and walked to school. It was still cool outside but there was no snow of course and nothing was green either. It was brown and dead but had the potential to grow. I didn't hate summer. I enjoyed some parts of it, but I'm Jack Frost. Snow is my thing. I blew in my hands, creating a little pile of snow. I tossed it up above my head, closing my eyes as it cascaded around me. I sighed, missing it. I was always depressed the first few days after my snow was gone. It was still technically winter, but winter wasn't my thing. Snow was my thing. Winter was mom's thing. She's Mother Winter. On March 21st, winter would be over and she'd be on vacation. June 20th summer would start. September 22nd autumn would start. December 21st winter would start.

I reached school and walked past everyone in the halls. Most ignored me, but a few would just look at me, whispering behind my back. I went into my classroom and pulled out my sketchpad, where I started on a new drawing of a snowflake. I don't know how, but it was instinct for me to create new snowflakes that weren't like any other. I just somehow knew which ones were already used. Maybe it's the same way that Cupid knows who's in love and who's not. It's instinct.

After I finished one intricate snowflake, I sighed and looked at the stupid fairy couple on the other side of the room, oblivious to anyone other than each other. I had hardly any hope I'd ever fall in love. No one liked me and they'd never get past the fact I made snow, which they probably hated. Plus, to find someone who can tolerate snow who's also a guy is very slim. I'm probably the only gay guy in the spirit world. I wish the humans could allow homosexuality in their lives. Some do, but not most. Then I'd come out and maybe others would come out, too. If I ever fell for a guy we probably wouldn't be able to be together. I actually have no idea what most people think of gay people. I only know a lot of humans don't like it, but what about us? I don't know. If they're fine with it, it still probably wouldn't happen because it's my job to create someone else to create snow.

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