Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

I month Later.

Amy was improving daily and no longer needed her Wheelchair,  she was stronger and healthier.
Lyndy was growing and Amy and Ty were even closer which everyone noticed.
Ty came in from work and asked if Amy was in her room.
" Yes she is Ty, but can we have a chat before dinner,, Lyndy was asleep so Amy said she was going to have a nap."
"Okay Jack, lead the way."
Jack and Ty sat at the far end of the porch.
"How long till you graduate Ty."
"6 months Jack,  Why".
" Well I've been really giving this Barn problem a lot of thought, and Lisa was right when she said that I don't want Amy or you to leave Heartland over something made out of wood. It's true it's more of a sentimental reason but as the women told me, after everything Amy has done since Marion died to help keep Heartland alive,  can I really deny her that one thing.".
"It would mean a lot to her Jack,  all she wants is 5 down each side plus the 4 already there.".
"Well we thought if Amy and you of course , eventually get married you'll need your own place and the Loft with the extension would make a nice 3 bedroom apartment with it's own front door of course to stop unwanted visitors,  what do you think Ty".
"I think it's a great Idea Jack. Just tell it to Amy like you just practiced with me and I think she will go for it, you know the real reason she left don't you".
"Probably me not allowing the extension to  the Barn. "
"That was part of it which is why she bought the Rig so she could spend a few days , or weeks etc with clients.
No Jack it was Tim, trying to control her and that last night when he started on me even though I wasn't here, then started on her ,broke the camels back as they say. And that's why she left. She didn't want to.  She even knew I may turn up in the morning but she was so peed off with Tim's attitude she couldn't wait ".
" Oh, so it wasn't me or you then, just Tim."

Amy woke up to little kisses and when she opened her eyes she saw Ty smiling down at her. He told her that dinner was ready and Lyndy was up on grandma Lisa's Lap,  "I like the sound of that Ty". "Me too Ames".
They were all talking and eating and Jack decided to get the Barn conversation out the way ,so explained it as he did to Ty, Amy was all for it.
"That's a great Idea Grampa Amy said, just as Tim walked in as bold as brass, sat down and started to dish up his own plate but there wasn't much left as he shouldn't have been there.
"What happened to all the food , I suppose he had mine (pointing to Ty)".
"Actually Tim, Ty was invited and you weren't,  infact I remember Amy telling you to stay away". 
"Oh yeah, while I remember Amy, I got you a date set up with Jesse Stanton for tomorrow night 7pm ".
"YOU WHAT,,,  How dare you , How many times do I have to tell you that Ty and I are together , I hope you have a lovely date night with Jesse dad but I will not be there. And if you carry on like this anymore I'm Leaving".
Amy threw her fork on the table and walked to her room.
Jack n Ty looked at Tim and told him to leave at the same time.
"I'm not listening to you idiot,  and the old man can't do anything about it".
"But I can said Peter as he walked in through the Mud room over to Tim, grabbed him and threw him out off the porch. Came back in and locked the back door."..
"Thank you Peter" jack said..
"My Pleasure Jack, I see he's still drinking, I could smell it on him.".
Ty went to check on Amy and told her what just happened if she wanted to come back and Finish dinner, " I'll warm it up for you okay.". " Thank you Ty". He smiled at her and kissed her gently.
He picked up her dinner and put it in the microwave to heat up.
Amy came back in and apologized to everyone for just leaving the table.
Grampa Jack told her there was no need to just as Ty put her dinner back in front her. Lou got up and fished out Peter's Dinner and warned it back up for him. When she put it in front of Peter Ty calmly remarked how there was none for Tim. Everyone was in stitches as it wasn't Tys fault after all.
"Amy, you can tell me to mind my own business if you want but I heard what you said about leaving if Tim carried on like this and there is an easier solution.  Get yourself a Restraining Order and he'll have to leave you alone".
" That's a better solution Amy ,what you think, we could go to town tomorrow and sort one out".  Lou said.
"Thank you Peter, Lou, yes let's do it tomorrow. ".
Amy could see her Grandfather was worked up about it " Grampa, dont let him press your buttons okay, Let us deal with him, there's four of us and just him. Leave it to us and watch your heart, Please.".
Jack patted the top of her hand and nodded, "okay I will."
"Thank you".
The following day Ty was off work and said he would watch Lyndy while they went to see the Lawyer.
After everything was done and sorted they went to Maggie's for Lunch and Amy phoned Ty to let him know.
Some of Amy's friends were in there to and were glad to see her back , especially after they had heard about her accident.
Lou and Amy sat in the corner and ordered what they wanted for Lunch.
The door dinged as someone came in, "Oh  god Amy. Don't turn round but Jesse Stanton just walked in".
He saw Amy and walked over, "So Amy are you looking forward to our Date Tonight ".
"There is NO Date tonight Jesse, you should know better than to listen to Tim when he's drinking,  I am already in a relationship thank you, and even if I wasn't, you would be the last person I would ever go out with. So forget about it,  Tim does not organize my life or control what I do or see.".
Jesse turned around and sat at the counter.
" You have definitely changed for the better Amy, before you left you wouldn't of stood up to Jesse like that, I'm proud of you Little sister. 
"Yeah, thanks Lou I do feel better and more confident about everything ,
Just a couple of things left really".
"What are those,"
"Well I want to have Ty sleep in my room with me, like Grandpa and Lisa do, and the other is waiting for Ty to propose. "

To be continued

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