Arthur x Joy Doctor

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"I told you to be careful out there!" Doctor Adams snapped as he rubbed an alchohol swab on Arthur's wounds. "Ow!" Arthur whined out in pain as the alchohol stung badly. "Well this should be a lesson to stop going into the bloody garden district then!" Adams said with a huff following. He threw the bloody swab in the trash before being pulled into a warm embrace. "I love you so much,  Adam." Arthur cooed as he nuzzled into his lover. Adam softened up his gaze and kissed him on the nose. "And I love you too, Arthur. Now stop going into the garden district! You're going to get killed out there! I can't fucking loose you!" Adams choked back tears and looked down. "So that's why you get angry when I go. You think im going to die and you won't be able to save me....?" Arthur said softly, getting a nod in response. "We've lost too many people from the thing we dont talk about, Arthur. I cannot loose the man I love...." Adam had tears running down his cheeks at this point. "You'll never lose me, Adam. I promise." Arthur said softly in reassurance before they shared a passionate kiss together.

(204 words. Well isn't this a ship you don't see too often? Trying to pump out a few oneshots before work. So if they seem small as fuck, sorry.)

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