Donald x Peter

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The couple were cuddling up together in bed. Donald had a nasty fever and his lover was keeping him cozy. Peter kissed his lover on the forehead and snuggled him. "I feel like shit..." Donald whimpered out. The weather had shifted and he got sick almost immediately. "I'll take cater of you, Donny." Peter cooed at him.

Donald whined when Peter got up. "I'm going to whip up some food for you." Peter cooed at him as Donald pouted. Peter left the bedroom and got to work to make a small batch of chunky stew. He finished up and put it into a bowl before grabbing a spoon. Peter took the food into the bedroom and sat on the bed. His lover had sat up and was sneezing into a tissue. "I hate the coollldddd...." Donald whined out.

"I made your favorite~!" Peter cooed softly as he offered him a spoonful. Donald softened up and allowed his lover to feed him the stew. The couple cooed at each other happily. They loved each other dearly.

(175 words for Thicc_Boi_Soldiers)

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