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Allison: Look Sarah I have know that something is going on. So if you know more you have to tell me.

I understand that I won't find out any more for the moment. But I'm not giving up. I'II find a way to confide in me,it's just a question of time. It's early days but at some point,she have no other choice and she I'II be forced to tell me the whole truth. unless I discover it alone before...During our discussion,the campus is gradually filled with students, I must admit that the site amaze me every time. I didn't know the time is passing and our class is fast approaching. As if nothing had happened Sarah grabbed my arm and pull me inside the buildings.

Sarah: Come on,lets hurry up,Allison,we're not going to make professor Jones wait.

Sarah gives me a wink as if  our previous conversation never happened...I don't really appreciate her way of changing the subject...Nevertheless I follow her through the corridor frowning. She's right,professor Jones's class will start soon and I don't want to be late...On getting to the leisure hall Sarah lives me alone and disappears to go to the bathroom. Contrary to what I thought we aren't late,professor Jones haven't arrived yet and we are the first. I decide to go to the empty leisure hall so I could find a good seats. But I hardly even settled when I see our teacher come in and head to the platform. I wonder if i can tell him about my dreams. Perhaps there's an explanation that could help me?

On the way here this morning, I thought about the reoccurring dreams I'II had since I have been living with the Bartholy family. And an expert in this field like him,should be able to help me see more clearly. While browsing his biography,at the end of his collection of text,I discovered he made a study of the "interpretation of dreams" by Freud. This convince me that he is the expert I need. I also read Freud's book,a few Yeats ago in philosophy,but I don't have enough knowledge...

My memories are vague and I might misinterpret some theories. Maybe I should wait till the end of the class. But we are both into the amphitheater and I'm afraid I won't get another chance...I hesitate a while  but my curiosity is just that I finally head for the platform to speak to him.

Allison: Excuse me professor Jones but I will like to ask you a few questions. Before class begins...

My voice is resistant and I'm afraid of boring him,but the friendly look he graves me immediately put me at ease.

Professor Jones: of course, how can I help you?

He looks at the watch he is wearing on his wrist and looking looks up at me with his hazel eyes,a few strand of black ebony hair fall across his forehead...It's crazy, the charm that emanates from this teacher. Concentrate Allison that's not why you are here,you are here for your dreams!.My cheeks redden,I feel suddenly intimidated in front of him,I try to pull myself together.

Allison: Well it's about my dreams and the feeling of déjà vu...I believe you are a specialist of Freud...

Professor Jones: Specialist is a big word but it turns out that I have worked on the subject. What do you want to know?

Allison: Is it possible you see someone in your dream that you don't know and then you see the the person for real!i mean in real life...

I feel dreadful not really knowing how to phrase my question,but I don't want to give too much away...Jones gives me an awkward look like the question had troubled him. He then seems to glance around,checking that we are completely alone before answering me. Could he be afraid of something too?like Sarah who really doesn't answer my questions either...I'm seeing strange things everywhere!I must calm down otherwise I will end up going crazy...

The city may be called mystery spell but not everything is a mystery Allison. After a silence which seems like eternity. Professor Jones look at me ready to answer meat last.

Professor Jones: Indeed it can happen,it can be interpreted in a variety of ways,for Freud it's a trick that our mind play on us...But other thinkers have more rational explanation...According to some these episode that appear to us in our dreams are scenes that we have already lived in another live if we believe in reincarnation. And for others they are scenes that others deceased people have already experienced. Because of a past tragedy .The dead need this playback scenes in order to be appeased.

I hang on to professor Jones's every word,Amazed by his knowledge.

Professor Jones: Why this question,is something hunting your nights?

Then I decided to lie.

Allison: I saw it in a T.V I was asking myself the question that's all.

Professor Jones: I see...,well know it can really happen,there is nothing to be afraid of. The dead are far less dangerous than the living.

The lightness of the teacher make me smile but inside I wonder. What's happening to me,is it possible that I have gifts?...Fascinated by the words of professor Jones's word,I didn't realize that the lecture hall is get full gradually. The class is about to start. Most of the faces I come across on returning to my seat are unfamiliar. Fortunately I see Sarah beckoning me to come sit next to her. She is sparkly and I guess that our teacher have something to do with it .I notice he has an effect on her. From the moment he Begins to speak she devours him with her eyes.

Sarah: He's really too cute, isn't he?I love his way of moving on the platform .Have you seen that butt?

I frown,falsely moralistic when Sarah start squirming on her seat and squeaking. OK, she is starting to annoying me,she is too over doing it a bit!

Allison: Calm down Sarah someone is going to notice.

Fortunately he doesn't see anything and continue his class,so earnestly, that I begin to think it's best if Sarah and I pay much attention.

Professor Jones: Today we are going to tackle the subject of Vampires. I'II give you as complete presentation as possible .but you'II have to complete the course with your personal search. May I remind you that this subject is an important part of the course .And I'd like to find something other in your final papers than a simple restitution of my class. You mustn't hesitate to ask question,to show curiosity, initiatives....I'm here to enlighten you.

I listen carefully to his instructions .His class promise to be more than exciting,especially as I'm asking myself more and more questions. The teacher writes the lesson plan on the board and ask us to take our collection of texts. That this time I haven't forgotten...

I opened the collection of the pages  indicating "The Power Of Seduction Of Vampires". I didn't think that Seduction and Vampires can go together. I never thought about it but I get the impression it's a classic...I'm more and more intrigued and I can't wait to find out what professor Jones is going to teach us. Vampires have the power is Seduction that they can exert on all mortals .Professor is very clear on this point.

Professor Jones: In literature,Vampires are particularly interested in a single women and orphan girls because they are easy prey.

Easy prey?I can't help but relate it to my own situation. I'm a single woman and an orphan...

Professor Jones: A victim alone is more likely to disarmed when facing them,especially from an emotional point of view. This allows Vampires to use their ability to hypnotize any mortals,even greater ease. The danger of this power lies in the fact that we aren't aware of this action. We suffer it...

Is It Love?Nicolae BartholyWhere stories live. Discover now