Chapter 4

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As  Uenoyama took his suspicion on Mafuyu's partner. Mafuyu speaks up, "Uenoyama-Kun, if you have something to tell me, you can tell me now.." He held on Uenoyama's clenched fist that Uenoyama didn't realized he was clenching it hard. Then, the partner speaks up, "Mafuyu, we don't have all day about this. We have to get going."

"Uenoyama-Kun, is there something you want to tell me?" Mafuyu asked as he held harder on Uenoyama's clenched fist. His clenched fist soften slowly, he quickly held on Mafuyu's both soft cheeks. "Uenoyama-Kun?" he asked as he glance at Uenoyama's narrow eyes looking straight at his eyes. Mafuyu flinched a bit. "Then, may I come with you and whatever his name is?!" He screamed a bit as he slowly lets go of Mafuyu's soft cheeks. "The name's Ikuya, dude." He said as  he was walking towards both of the boys. He grabs Mafuyu's shoulder hard and pulled him from Uenoyama. Mafuyu leaned against Ikuya's chest as he was pulled from Uenoyama. Ikuya pulled Mafuyu and went straight outside of the school from Uenoyama to try and finish their project. He never had the intention of liking Mafuyu, all he can see him is as his classmate or a friend at least. Uenoyama followed them behind and grabbed Ikuya's collar shirt and screamed, "Cut the crap! What's your problem?" 

"I have no such intention in your boyfriend, so if you may, please let go of my shirt so that we can finish this project." 

"Uenoyama-Kun, please believe me, he won't do anything we're going to finish this project as fast as we could, please?" Mafuyu said as he looked at Uenoyama's blue ocean eyes. Uenoyama sighed and said, "fine, I'll let you go with this Ikuyi guy whatever." 

"It's Ikuya!" 

"I said whatever!!"

"Thank you, Uenoyama-Kun." he hugged him tightly as Uenoyama hugged him back as tight as he did.

Ikuya's pov: (yes his pov, not Mafuyu)

  I thought that I could do some preparations on the project peacefully. Well, look at now, peacefully my ass. We were fine with our plan but this "Uenoyama" guy that Mafuyu keeps calling him. I pulled his shoulder roughly so that I can take him from this "Uenoyama" guy. We managed to get away from him, well I was the one who tried not Mafuyu, since he cares about that guy. That's what I thought, when he actually followed us and grabbed me by my collar shirt. So annoying.. We're supposed to start the preparation around five minutes later and stop around six, so I can take care of my annoying brother. 

(and you know the rest)

  Before we went off Uenoyama glared at me and threatened, "hurt him, I'll bury you alive." He pecked on Mafuyu's forehead and left right away to somewhere. We went off to the  Gentle Gardens Cafe. I don't like this guy to be honest. All he does is stare at something and daydream all day, but he's one of the smartest student in our class. So, I guess this is just an opportunity to know how he study. But I can't understand a single thing how he study. He just listens quietly as if it was the only thing existed. 

  Regarding from that, we arrived to our destination and sit on a four seat with a square shaped table. He ordered an Earl Grey Tea, while I ordered an Iced Coffee. Mafuyu started taking out his book and his pencil case, so that he can try to sketch an idea for our art project. It has to be made by different materials and textures. Something like sponge, aluminium foil, cloth or something. Not only that, we have to make at least three different arts and it is only allowed two portraits and one landscape. The teacher didn't want a simple art like a garden or a beach. Something that can be describe more than that. I guess someone like me can't understand a thing about these simple things. I wrote down all the information I needed. 

  Mafuyu speaks up suddenly, "aren't you going to try and make some ideas on the sketch?" he looked at me with his shining salmon eyes.

"U-Uh yea, I'm just gonna take out my things." I said as I put my hand into my bag for the stuffs. He smiled cheerfully and said, "okay, I thought you were just going to stare at me all day." He laughed.

And yes, he's laugh is adorable and what I meant adorable was because he sounds like a kid for a second. But, it's weird how I compliment a guy that stays quiet for a long time. "Are you gonna start..?" 

"Eh- yea!! I am" I said as I realized I wasn't starting to sketch. I didn't know what to do, "um, can you explain to me on the project a bit? I didn't understand the teacher."

"Sure." He smiled. 

"Here, you start with this, you can look around the cafe to get some ideas on the sketch. Do you want to do a portrait or landscape art?" he continued.

"Since you're doing one of the portraits, I'll go with that too then we can do the landscape together. How's that sounds?" I asked. He put his hand underneath his chin and thought about it for a few seconds. "Sure, that's sounds nice." Soon the waiter came and put our orders on the table, avoiding the papers we put and walked away afterwards. We continued with our work, I took a few sips of my coffee while Mafuyu didn't take a single sip at all. It's weird, it has been at least two minutes or more, it should be at least a bit cold. "Why don't you take a sip on your drink?" I asked as I put down my pencil and sketchbook. he looked at me and said, "oh, I completely forgot about it." He said as he smiles while taking his cup to drink it. Then afterwards, he continued his work, it was quiet and awkward. He maintained focused on his work. I drew a simple bird with its foot on the branch of a tall tree, to be more specific, it is an owl in midnight sky with the stars shining  thoroughly. I wondered what Mafuyu was drawing that he maintained focused on it. I didn't know he could draw.

  We continued with our drawing. It's almost six, I quickly stand up and press the table with both my hands that made Mafuyu jumped as I planned to. "What's wrong Ikuya-San?" 

"It's almost six, I need to get going before my uh parents might get worried," 

"Alright, I'll go pay the drinks and you'll just pack your stuff and leave, okay?" he said as he stands up walking towards the counter. I sighed, I felt guilty about this but I have to. It's for the money, I quickly take Mafuyu's phone and check over his location in his notes. He can be too careless and simple-minded, his password are his birth date and he puts most of his information in his notes. I quickly took a snap and packed all my stuff. I put his phone to exactly where he puts it before and delete the recent apps he used. Walking towards the counter, I pat his shoulder, giving a goodbye look. He smiled.

  On my way home, I sent the snap to Ayano as she requested. She said that she'll give me about a thousand dollar just for the little information she needed. Don't know what she's gonna do with it, don't care. She asked for the information like his address, previous schools, relationships with other people, where he works at, what time he goes home after work. Damn, I felt bad about Mafuyu. Should I even do this? I need the money for the house needs either way. I have other jobs to do anyways. And I just remembered, I didn't looked at Mafuyu's drawing because of her, dammit.

  As I arrived at my home. My brother was looking dead on the couch snoring loudly. I quickly went upstairs and locked my door. Ayano replied, "good, this information is  more than enough and it has more than I needed, thanks. I'll transport the money to your account." Few minutes later, my phone shows the notification the money she sent me and like she promised she sent the exact amount of a thousand dollars.

Narrative: //Back with Mafuyu//

  As Mafuyu payed the drinks, he walked over to his table and packed his things. He quickly left the cafe and stopped by the convenience store to buy some vegetables, fruits, snacks and other foods they need. After buying everything he needs, he went straight back home. When he arrived, Uenoyama asked, "how's the project?"

"Well, I finished my art and all," he paused.

"I'll try to finish this project in around three days later." 

"Meaning you will go with the Ikuyi guy again?" Uenoyama asked.

"Just for a little while, yea."

"Don't you know how I feel about this?" He screamed.

"I.." Mafuyu stayed quiet.

"I.. You know what, nevermind." He slowly walks away. Mafuyu grabbed his sleeve, looking down and whispered, "if we don't talk it out now.. It'll be too late.." 

"what?" he asked furiously staring at Mafuyu.

"If we don't talk it out now, it'll be too late!" Mafuyu screamed.


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