Chapter 8

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"This is amazing," Siddiq said, looking over the supplies we brought back. "You got everything we need to treat him, and so much more."

Siddiq wanted space to work, so everyone had to leave and stand outside, even the man's wife. Only Siddiq and I were in the room with the man now .

We stood around the bed, Siddiq giving me orders as I helped him administer the antibiotics. The man looked much worse than when we left him a few hours ago. I was relieved that my idea had worked out, because it didn't look like he had much more time.

When we finished up with his side, I replaced the wet towel that was placed across his forehead with a fresh cold towel to help with his fever, and we left the room so that his wife could come back in to see him.

I made my way through where Daryl and Rick were standing at the door and sat down at my desk chair, suddenly feeling lightheaded.

I leaned my head down and took a few deep breaths.

"Sloane, you okay?" Siddiq asked, noticing my change in demeanor.

I looked up and squinted at him, seeing Rick and Daryl looking at me concerned too.

"Yah, I'm fine," I said, sighing. "Just realized I haven't eaten or drank anything all day. I'm just feeling a little lightheaded."

Daryl quickly picked up Rick's pack that was on the ground and looked through it. He grabbed a bottle of water out and walked towards me, extending his hand.

"Thanks," I said, looking into his eyes as I took the bottle from him.

He nodded his head and stepped back when I took it. I gulped down some water, already feeling a little better.

Rick patted Siddiq on his shoulder, and then came over to me.

"You did good today, Sloane. Thanks for saving my life," he smiled and then left. I thought Daryl was going to say something to me too, but after a moment, he just nodded his head and left after Rick.

"Why don't you go back to your place and get some food and lay down for a bit, yah?" Sdidiq said to me. "You've had a long day."

I nodded my head. The thought of closing my eyes for a bit did sound nice. I began to head back to my place and saw Rosita walking towards me. Instead of passing by, she stopped in front of me.

"Hold up," she said. 

I was kind of nervous since she hadn't been that welcoming to me at the council meeting the other day. She had her arms crossed in front of her.

"I heard about the run today. Michonne said you saved Rick..." she trailed off and was silent for a moment, eyeing me, and then she slowly started to smile. "You had their backs out there. Good job," she said. I smiled in relief. For some reason, I felt like I had passed her test.

She continued. "I'm sorry if I was hard on you at the council meeting the other day. We've just been through a lot recently, ya know? It's hard to trust people," she said.

From what everyone had alluded to, I was getting the feeling that this group had recently been through something traumatic together. I was sure someone would tell me about it when they were ready.

"You were just looking out for your people," I shrugged. "It actually helped me trust you guys more, seeing that you all care so much for each other."

She smiled, happy that I got it.

"You said you've never been trained with a gun before?" she asked me.

"Yah," I laughed. "Rick gave me one to use today but I didn't even take it out when we were getting attacked by the walkers. I feel much more comfortable with my knives."

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