Chapter 45

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I started to make my way back through the woods in the direction of Alexandria, leaving a large gap between myself and the road. I knew that was where they were travelling and I didn't want to run into them again.

I ran back to Alexandria as fast as I could, but it took longer than I had hoped because my injuries were still hurting. My back was aching and my throat was still injured, causing me to feel faint because I wasn't getting in enough air.

When I finally made it to the gates, I was exhausted. I waited in the treeline to make sure they hadn't arrived here before me. When I was sure it was safe, I ran out of the treeline towards the front gates.

I saw a few heads peak out from the lookouts we had boarded up.

"It's me!" I called out as loudly as I could, my throat burning.

"It's Sloane! Open the gates!" I heard Gabriel's voice shout out.

The gates started to open and I tried to slow my breathing as I walked into Alexandria. The gates closed behind me and people started running towards me.

"Sloane!" I heard Michonne call out. I saw her with Rick, Daryl and Rosita running towards me.

Michonne hugged me immediately as they got to me.

"What happened?" she asked as she pulled back.

"We thought they got you," Rick said, sounding worried. I looked at all of them, seeing the concern on their faces. I felt bad, knowing they probably thought I was dead. I hated that I put them through that. Before I could say anything, Rosita grabbed my hands and pulled them forward so everyone could see.

"What's this?" she asked, revealing the fresh burn marks around my wrists from struggling to get free of the ropes.

I gulped and looked at them all guiltily, knowing that they were about to freak out.

"They did get me. They surrounded me in the woods when I tried to run."

All their eyes went wide except for Daryl whose eyes narrowed. I could tell he was upset. 

"What happened?" Rosita asked.

"They tied my hands behind my back and blindfolded me," I said slowly.

"How in the hell did you get out?" Michonne asked.

I paused for a moment and took a deep breath before speaking. "They let me go."

"They what?" Daryl asked.

"The ropes weren't tied that tight. Either they didn't know what they were doing or they wanted me to be able to get free. They just left me there on my knees when I thought they were going to execute me." My voice cracked as the emotions came back to me. I had actually thought that was going to be the end.

Michonne squeezed my shoulder. "I just don't understand why they let you live. After everything they've done to us."

"I've been asking myself the same question. It doesn't make sense," I said.

I looked at Rick. "They'll be here soon," I said.

He nodded his hand. "And we'll be ready for them."

Everyone had tasks to do so we all parted ways and I was left alone with Daryl. I knew he was going to be mad at me so I walked to my house, knowing that Daryl would follow.

When he closed the door behind us and we were in the living room, I turned around, expecting him to start yelling at me. Instead, he came up to me and hugged me.

"Are you okay?" he asked. I could hear the emotions in his voice. It was obvious he had thought I was dead. I was a little surprised he wasn't yelling at me, but I wasn't going to question it. I hugged Daryl right back.

"I'm okay," I said. I was just glad to be back.

"What the hell were ya thinkin'?" he asked in a deep voice. "Why didn't you tell me first."

I pulled back and laughed. "Daryl. Would you really have let me go?"

He didn't say anything.

"Exactly," I said. He shook his head and sighed.

"Just, don't ever do it again," he said. Since I had expected him to yell at me, this was a hundred times better.

I smiled softly. "Okay."

My voice must have been sounding hoarse because Daryl went and got me some water. I chugged it, dehydrated after running back, and then decided to eat some food to get my energy up. We still had a fight ahead of us.

"I gotta go back out there, but maybe you should rest a bit," Daryl said as he walked over to the door.

I followed him. "I'm good."

He sighed and gave me pointed look. "Sloane," he said.

I walked up to him at the door and gave him the same look. I mimicked his tone. "Daryl." 

The corner of his lip twitched. I smiled. Daryl looked down at my lips and then we both immediately moved to each other, meeting each other halfway.

Our lips connected and I reached up and rested my hands on his chest. Daryl grabbed my arms and pulled me closer. I kissed Daryl with everything that I had. I was scared of losing him, of losing anyone. I just prayed that this wasn't our last kiss. He kissed me like it was our last kiss, though, which made me more worried. 

Sadly, we both knew we had to get back out there. They would be here soon. 

Daryl and I walked out together and then parted ways. I went to the armory and got a couple guns since I had lost my stuff.

I slowly walked back to the front gates, lost in thought. I had seen the size of their group. I knew that there was no way that we could all leave this fight without someone getting hurt or dying. There was just no way. We were lucky that no one had been killed when we took out the outpost.  We had caught them off guard while they slept, but that wasn't happening again.

I was so lost in my thoughts that it took me a moment to register the commotion ahead of me towards the front gates. I looked up and saw some people running towards the front gates and heard people yelling.

I picked up my pace and then started to run towards everybody.

"What is it?" I yelled when I got closer.

Daryl turned around to face me when he heard my voice. He didn't need to say anything; I could already tell by the look on his face. "They're here," he confirmed.


Ah! I can't believe my story is coming to an end. I hope you are all enjoying. I have started another Walking Dead story that I am SO EXCITED about that I will start posting after this one is done.

What do you guys think will happen in the upcoming battle?

Stay tuned!

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