Chapter 34

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I slowly leaned forward, scared of how he would react. Even after we shared that moment a little while ago, I still didn't know how Daryl felt. He was impossible to read most of the time.

When he didn't pull back, I sealed my lips on his. The kiss was so tentative at first, the contact sent a jolt of electricity through my body as I began to feel his warm, rough lips start to move with mine.

The kiss turned from slow and passionate to heated very quickly. We were sitting on the edge of the bed, our bodies twisted towards each other, so I thought I would make it easier. I swung one leg over Daryl's lap so that I was now straddling him. His hands instantly went to my waist and he squeezed hard as our lips connected again.

Daryl's hands slid under the fabric of my shirt and contacted the skin on my hips. He began to move his hands slowly up my sides and to my back, making me feel bold.

I reached down and grabbed my shirt and pulled it up over my head and then threw it behind me. His arms wrapped around the exposed skin of my back and pulled me closer to him. As we continued to kiss feverishly, I became lost in the taste of Daryl.

Holding me close to him, Daryl stood up. I wrapped my legs tighter around his body, and he turned around and gently lowered me down onto the bed, following with his body. I tugged on his shirt and then grabbed the bottom. I started to pull up his shirt when his hand shot out and stopped me.

Daryl pulled away and sat up beside me. "Stop," he said in a rough voice.

"What's wrong?" I asked, surprised. I didn't understand why he stopped or why he seemed upset all of a sudden. He didn't respond to my questions. After a moment, I got up and grabbed my tank top and put it back on, feeling self conscious.

I tentatively sat back down beside Daryl, who was looking away from me. He had that look in his eyes that I had seen before when I was hurt in the infirmary after I crashed the motorcycle. He looked angry, but if you really knew Daryl, you would see that behind it, he was more upset than anything. Something was bothering him. Instead of getting upset that he had pulled away from me, again, I decided to try to break past his walls. I wasn't going to let him pull away this time.

"Daryl," I said as I sat up and moved to sit beside him. I reached up and gently placed my hand on his back. "What's wrong?"

At my touch, Daryl shifted uncomfortably, almost like a reflex. That's when I remembered our last fight. I had seen the scars on Daryl's body when he was in the infirmary, and he got angry and pushed me away. I wondered if that was what this was about.

He didn't respond, and looked like he was about to get up and walk out, so I started talking.

"Daryl, I-" I paused, feeling the emotions run through me. "I didn't have anyone in my life when you guys found me out there. I was all alone, and I was carrying so many demons, but I kept them all pushed down inside me. I honestly don't know how much longer I could have carried on by myself. When you guys found me, you literally saved me. But, it wasn't only you guys bringing me behind the walls of Alexandria that saved me, it was also... you," I flushed at the truth that I was telling Daryl. I watched as he kept his gaze down, his hands fidgeting with nerves.

I took in a deep breath. "When I got here, I still felt like an outsider. I still struggled with my nightmares. Every night in my dreams, I'd replay the horrible memories I had witnessed. I tried to hide it, but I was a mess. And then there was you," I smiled even though he wasn't looking. But it was odd. Daryl was the last person I would have ever guessed in a million years that would make me feel safe and comfortable. "I mean, who would have that it would be Daryl Dixon of all people that I would open up to," I said, and actually got a small smile from Daryl for this.

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