Chapter 47- The End

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"Oh no," I whispered as I saw the herd of walkers coming towards us. Alexandria had walls to protect us, but Adira's group didn't. This could have been a good thing for us; let the walkers take them out and do our job for us, but I didn't feel that way anymore.

"Walkers!" I heard someone from their group shout out when they noticed the herd behind them, walking towards them.

When our people noticed the walkers, we all raised our guns again, which caused Adira's group to raise their guns at us in confusion.

"Stop!" I yelled out. Half of Adira's group had their guns facing the walkers behind them and half facing us. Some were switching between pointing their guns at us and the walkers as if they weren't sure which was the bigger threat.

I turned and looked at the people of Alexandria. Then I looked at Rick. "Why are we pointing our guns at each other when we should be pointing our guns together at the dead? Have we forgotten who the real enemy is?" I pleaded.

"She's right," I heard Cyndie, the leader of Oceanside, call out.

I turned back to Adira who had listened to my speech. The people from her group who still had their guns trained at us in defense had to turn around and defend against the walkers now. They started shooting, taking out the walkers as they got close.

Our people looked around at each other, unsure what to do. I knew what everyone was thinking; This was the perfect opportunity to take them out. Their backs were literally facing us.

I looked at Daryl, who eyed me, looking just as unsure as everyone else.

"What do we do?" Carol asked. "Rick?"

We all looked to Rick who was watching the events unfold in front of us. Did we help them, or did we shoot at them?

Adira's group backed up closer and closer to our walls. We could easily help them take out the walkers if we decided to.

"Daryl," I said as I looked at him. I didn't know what I wanted to say. Did I want to plead with him to hear me out? I was terrified that I was making the wrong decision. What if we helped them and they still fought us in the end? What if they really were bad people? I didn't believe that they were anymore, but how could we know for sure?

I squeezed my eyes shut as I listened to the sound of guns going off as they fought off the walkers. I opened my eyes when I heard screaming as some of them were being attacked and bit by the dead.

"What do we do?" I whispered, looking at Daryl. I trusted everyone here, but I needed to know what Daryl thought the most. I needed to know where he stood. That was all that mattered.

I watched Daryl look out over all the people. I looked too, watching Adira as she fought to protect her people. Daryl suddenly looked past me at Rick. I saw Daryl give him the slightest nod of his head. I wasn't sure what that meant, but it was obvious that they understood each other.

"We shoot at the walkers only," I heard Rick shout out to our people. I released a breath I had been holding.

"Then what?" I heard Carol ask.

"I'm not sure yet," Rick replied.

With the new orders, our people got into position. We raised our guns and we started taking out walkers. Adira and a few other people turned around quickly hearing our guns go off. Their expressions were shocked as they realized that we were helping them instead of shooting them in their time of need.

As I was taking out walkers, I barely noticed one of the dead walking up behind Adira who was distracted by another walker. Right as it reached for her, I reacted quickly, and pulled the trigger, shooting the walker in the head. It collapsed and Adira turned and looked up at me, shocked. I nodded my head, and she nodded back and then turned around again to fight.

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