-07- 🌓 By My Side

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"You leave the room and I could cut the atmosphere like a knife, oh my. A sober reminder that you're better when you're there by my side."
~James Arthur, 'From Me To You I Hate Everybody'


*Kit's POV*

It's been two days since my heat started, and I've locked myself in my room. With each passing day, the heat has steadily grown more and more intense, and I no longer trust myself to leave my room. Today is supposed to be the last day of my heat — as they typically only last three days — which is both good and bad. It's good, because this will soon be over, and I can leave my room again. It's bad, because that means today will be the most intense day.

With each passing day a wolf goes without giving into their heat by marking their mate, the intensity of the heat grows. And as I am not planning on being marked anytime soon, I'm just going to have to stick it out. No matter how much burning pain is coursing through my veins.

And that's not even including the pain my wolf is feeling. Ever since I kicked Theo out, my wolf has been whimpering and begging me to be with our mate. When I threw Theo out, the amount of hurt on his face cut me like a knife. I hated hurting my best friend, and my wolf hated hurting our mate. I could feel Theo's pain through the mate bond, and I've had to put a lot of energy into blocking that out.

I'm lying on my bed, curled up in a tight ball. My erection has become painful, and I can't even find any relief with my own hands anymore. That only worked briefly for the first day. My head is pounding, making it difficult for me to think clearly. My stomach growls as a reminder that I haven't eaten, but the heat is too overwhelming that I can't even begin to think about food.

My wolf is suffering, begging me to relieve us both of the heat. I can practically hear and feel him whimpering and clawing at me, trying to push me to do the one thing we know will end this. But I can't.

It's wrong.

...Isn't it?

The heat is making me second guess myself. Desperation blurs the line between sanity and insanity. How the fuck does anyone survive this?

I mean, I know how, but I don't really want to think about that. Mainly because thinking about that makes my dick hurt even more than it already does.

There has to be something else I can do. Exercise? I'm not super into weightlifting, but I've always enjoyed running. Maybe letting my wolf out for a run will make him stop whimpering and whining.

Feeling resolved, I unlock my door and dash down the stairs. I can hear my mother calling after me in confusion, but I ignore her. I'm too focused on getting to the forest to stop and listen. Our house is close to the outskirts of the pack; right next to the forest. Not wanting another situation like the one on my birthday, I gingerly strip my clothes and hang them on a nearby branch so I can redress afterwards.

My bare feet touch the grassy soil and I close my eyes, focusing on connecting with my wolf. The painful sensation of my bones shifting cuts through the heat. I must really be insane, because the bone-breaking is actually enjoyable since it distracts me from the heat I've been trying to escape for the past few days. I feel fur sprouting until I'm completely covered by a thick black coat. My claws elongate and dig into the soil. Once the shift is complete, I use my hind legs to launch me into a run.

I dart between the trees, feeling exhilarated to be running in my wolf form. The wind is blowing through my dark fur, and I can hear and smell everything around me. Being in my wolf form makes me feel so much more connected with my surroundings; it's nearly intoxicating.

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