-31- 🌓 Come Back To You

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"You always said that I'd come back to you again. 'Cause everybody needs a friend, it's true. Someone to quiet the voices in my head. Make 'em sing to me instead, it's you."
~Ben Platt, 'Bad Habit'


*Kit's POV*

Everything hurts.

And it's not just my pain that has me reeling. Theo's pain is slicing through me like a fucking machete. He's definitely not holding back on how much he misses me. I may be able to block our mind link for now, but I can't block out his emotions without severing our bond. And Theo is clearly aware of this, as he's using his emotions as a way of reaching out to me. My head pounds with the amount of concentration it takes to block our mind link, especially with how determined Theo is to break through that barrier.

What part of "I need space" does he not understand? Does he not realize how fucking pissed off I was to find out he lied to me? It's not a secret that I have a bit of a temper, and it was a fucking miracle I held onto some rationality in that moment. If I hadn't, I would have broken our mate bond in an instant. And then I would've regretted it for the rest of my life. Praise the fucking Moon that I reigned in my temper enough to realize what a horrible mistake that would've been. Instead, I asked for time alone to cool down. To collect my thoughts before coming back to fight like normal couples do.

I don't want to fight against us.
I want to fight for us.

I'm not leaving him. I wish he knew that, but maybe letting him sweat it out is a good thing. I don't want him thinking I'll instantly forgive him every time he lies to me.

"Kit? Will you come set the table?" My Aunt Lily calls out.

"Coming!" I shout back, standing up from the porch swing and heading inside the house.

I've been staying with my dad's sister, Lily, for the past two weeks. She lives far enough away that Theo wouldn't be able to easily track my scent. Plus, it's been a long time since I've seen my aunt and my younger cousins. I walk into the kitchen, grabbing plates and utensils to set out on the table. Aunt Lily is right behind me, setting the food out on the table. She makes sure to add extra chili powder to my dish, making me smile at the fact that she remembered I like spicy foods. She shouts for her husband and two children to come to the dining room, and they walk in with smiles on their faces at the sight of the feast strewn across the table.

"So, Kit," Aunt Lily begins when we're all seated. "You know that you're welcome to stay as long as you need, but... how long are you planning on staying?"

I tilt my head in thought. "I'm not sure, really. Just until I feel like it's time to go back, I guess." Aunt Lily exchanges looks with my uncle. My hand freezes midway to my mouth, and I lower my spoon to the table. "What?"

"Kit..." Aunt Lily says slowly. "While we love having you here... don't you think it's time you go back to your mate?"

I stare at her, stunned. My aunt knows that I had a fight with my mate and that's why I needed to stay with her, but she doesn't know the details, so she doesn't see the problem with what she just said.

"I can't just go back," I sputter.

"Why not?"

"He— we— it's— it's complicated," I stammer out. "He hurt me, and spending some time apart is good for us."

"Let me ask you something," Aunt Lily says, setting her utensils down and looking at me intently. "Do you love him?"

Heat rushes to the tips of my ears, turning my face red. "Y-Yes, but—"

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