CANON EXTRA: Halloween Special

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A short, fun Halloween special! This also takes place between IOTH and RTH.


*Kit's POV*

"You've got to be kidding me," I deadpan, looking down at the costume Theo had laid out for me on the bed.

If he thinks I'm actually going to wear this shit, he has another thing coming. Grabbing the costume off the bed, I storm into the kitchen where Theo is making lunch.

"Did Remi throw another toy at your head and give you brain damage?" I demand, referring to how our adoptive son has taken to throwing toys at us.

Looking up from his cooking, Theo raises an eyebrow at me. "Excuse me?"

I hold up the costume, and a smirk spreads across his lips.

"Did you really think I would wear this?"

"Call it wishful thinking," Theo shrugs. "Did you at least try it on?"

"No!" I scoff. "Why the hell would I try it on when I'm not going to wear it?"

"Come on, baby," my mate pouts. "You'll look so cute."

"Cute," I echo in disgust. "I'm a man. I don't want to be cute."

Smiling wide enough for his subtle dimples to appear, Theo moves away from the food and wraps his arms around my waist. Despite the glare on my face, my free hand instinctively finds its way to his broad shoulder.

"You're a man," Theo confirms with a nod. "And a strong Alpha for our pack. Independent, smart-mouthed, stubborn... and so fucking cute."

An insults sits on the tip of my tongue, but Theo rests his forehand against my mine, and our bond causes me to immediately melt in his arms. Damn my love for this bastard.

"Will you please wear it?" Theo pouts cutely. "For me?"

Signing, I look down at the costume in my hands. It's embarrassing, but if it'll make my mate happy...

"Fine," I snap, pushing him away. "But only because I love you so damn much."

Theo's smile widens. "Say that again."

A grin plays on my lips as I glance at my mate; the hearts in his eyes shining brightly. Theo has always been so eager for any kind of affection from me; emotional and physical. Anytime I say I love him, he becomes greedy for more. He's so fucking adorable.

"I love you," I repeat warmly before pressing my lips softly to his. Theo hums against my lips as his tongue presses against the seam of my lips. Before he can deepen the kiss, I gently push him back and grin at him. "Not right now, you animal. Our son is in the other room."

"We can be quite," he insists with a cheeky grin as he leans back in. I smack his chest with a glare.

"Stay back," I warn him. "If you don't behave, I won't wear this stupid costume."

"Alright, alright," Theo caves, making me smirk. He must really want to see me in this costume. "Why don't you go get ready, while I get Remi ready for trick-or-treating?"

"Okay," I agree with a nod. He swiftly kisses me on the cheek before I head into our bedroom. Once the door is shut, I look down at my costume and groan inwardly. Why the hell would Theo pick out such a childish costume for me to wear? Is he crazy?

Sighing, I peel my clothes off and slip on the skintight black body suit. A sleek tail hangs from my backside, falling all the way down to the middle of my calves. I struggle with the zipper for a few minutes, somehow managing to pull it up my back.

I wrinkle my nose while looking at the final piece of the costume. Cat ears.

Replacing my pride with love for my mate, I secure the headband in place, making sure the black ears are pointing up. With the costume completed, I glance at myself in our full-length mirror.

Damn you, Theo.

Dragging my feet, I make my way back to the living room where I find Theo helping Remi tie his shoes. My sulking is forgotten a moment at the sight of my mate and our adorable son.

A pair of white bunny ears sits comfortably on Remi's head, matching his fuzzy shirt and pants. My little rabbit looks up at me with a wide grin.

"Daddy!" He chirps happily. "Look! I'm a bunny!"

"You sure are," I chuckle, holding my arms out as he comes barreling towards me. I wrap him into a tight hug, looking over his head to check out Theo.

Unlike my costume, Theo's costume actually suits him. His brown shirt and pants match the droopy puppy ears perched on top of his head. A sweeping tail is tied around his waist with a belt, hanging just above his round ass.

"A dog," I snort. "Of course. Is that why you thought to dress me up as a cat?"

"Only because I knew you'd look so sexy in that skin-tight outfit," Theo grins.

"You do know dogs and cats hate each other, right?"

He pouts at that. When he opens his mouth to protest, Remi interrupts him.

"Papa, what does sexy mean?"

Theo's jaw drops as I stifle a laugh. My mate stammers, trying to figure out an explanation for our curious toddler. Right on cue, the clock chimes to signal it's now seven o'clock. Remi squeals happily and jumps up and down.

"Candy! Candy!" He shrieks. The rabbit dashes towards the front door, nearly reaching it before Theo snatches him around the waist.

"You can't just run outside on your own," Theo scolds him. "Remember what we talked about. You need to hold our hands while we're outside if you want candy."

"Sorry, Papa," Remi apologizes quietly, hanging his head in shame. Theo ruffles his hair, making the toddler instantly perk up.

"Are we ready to go?" Theo asks, looking towards me.

I raise an eyebrow. "I swear to the Moon, if anyone makes fun of me for wearing this outfit, I will murder you."

"No one would dare to make fun of their future Alpha," Theo assures me before pressing a kiss to my forehead. "And if they do, I'll order them to watch our hyperactive son for the night as punishment."

"Deal," I grin, taking one of Remi's hand in mine as Theo takes the other.

We walk out of the house, barely keeping a reign on our excited rabbit. The moment we're off the porch, the sound of laughter makes my head snap towards our friends walking towards us.



I hope you guys enjoyed this Halloween extra in April!

I hope you guys enjoyed this Halloween extra in April!-Gumbie

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