-38- 🌓 Keeping You Safe

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"If I could turn back the clock, I'd make sure the light defeated the dark. I'd spend every hour, of every day keeping you safe."
~Calum Scott, 'You Are The Reason'


*Kit's POV*

I get the strongest sense of deja-vu sitting next to Theo in a room full of medical equipment.

It reminds me of when Noah was attacked, and Theo sat by his bedside for weeks.

Only now, it's Oliver on Noah's bed, fighting for his life.

Although, I'm not sure how much he's really fighting. It's been three weeks, and he hasn't shown any signs of waking up. We had thought he might a little over a week ago when Noah unfortunately hit his heat. Oliver began to stir, but he eventually settled back down as if it never happened.

We had to lock Noah in his room during his heat, despite how much he screamed at us to let him out, to let him go to Oliver. But we couldn't risk his enhanced scent attracting an unmated wolf. Those three days were the hardest for all of us as Noah sobbed behind his door.

After Theo had told me to get his father when we were outside the bowling alley, I ran as fast as I possibly could. I frantically relayed what was happening to Theodore, who immediately shifted and barked orders for a group of warrior wolves to follow us.

Our wolves were able to overpower the Silver Sun wolves, as most of them had already turned their backs on Axel.

Theodore saw the damage Axel had done to his own son and took matters into his own hands. In the blink of an eye, Theodore had pounced on Axel, clamping his teeth around the latter's neck. Theodore twisted his head to the side, effectively breaking Axel's neck and finally ending that nightmare.

I can't say I'm sorry, mainly because Axel creeped me out long before we found out how evil he was. The only thing I'm worried about is how Oliver will react when he wakes up.

....If he wakes up.

"Noah," Charlotte lightly shakes her son's shoulders as he stays slumped over on the bed, his hand tightly clasping Oliver's. "You need to eat something."

"I can't," Noah rasps. "I need to be here. What if he wakes up and he's all alone? He'd be so scared and confused... I can't leave him."

"Honey, you really need to eat," Charlotte pushes. "It's not good if you're weak too. You need to stay strong for Oliver. He wouldn't want you to neglect yourself."

"No!" Noah shouts, tears springing to his eyes. "I'm not leaving him alone!"

Charlotte looks over at me and Theo with pleading eyes.

"We'll stay with him," I tell Noah. "He won't be alone. We'll be here. We were friends for years. He'll be safe with us. I promise. Go eat and get some rest. I'll let you know the second anything changes."

Noah glances at his mate on the bed, his expression torn. I understand. If I were in his place, I wouldn't want to leave either.

Charlotte squeezes his hand, making Noah release a shaky breath and he nods his head. He stands up, wobbling a moment before regaining his balance and following his mom downstairs to the kitchen.

Theo has been silent, sitting back in the chair with his eyes locked on Oliver. Though his face remains blank, his pain is clearly communicated through our bond. Theo and Oliver may have a rocky history, but that doesn't change the fact that they're friends. Theo cares about Oliver, as his friend and as his brother's mate.

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