Scary Story Challenge!

71 6 10

Okay so I was nominated by BazookaBrian.


1. Scariest IRL Experience

I don't remember much. I'm sorry. I'll post it when I remember.

2. Scariest Paranormal Activity

I don't know if this counts, but sometimes I would hear the Marionette's music box (the music he plays when he's already out of the box) playing and I freak out like HE'S GONNA KILL ME and then as fast as I heard it, it goes away like waht

3. Do you know anyone convicted of a crime?


4. Are you afraid of the dark?

Well it depends. I'm only afraid of the dark if:

1. I'm not going to be sleeping in it
2. There are weird noises coming from somewhere around the area of where I am
3. There is something in my line of vision, making a very creepy silhouette that freaks me out

5. Does your home town have any scary legends?

I don't think so. I'm not sure.

6. Favorite urban legend?



KrazyKKmaster, Endrious, Zesserack

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