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The birds were chirping at it's best. Since last night was so hectic with the family and photographers after the reception party all Nandini could think about was the bed in her room, sorry, their room. She glanced a look at the sleeping beast beside her who looked clam but nandini knew all about the storm within him. She inched closer and read her features like they were a fairytale book. It was a dream come true for her when she vowed to be his wife and promised to always stay by his side. She was glad that they had decided to keep the entire relationship a little bit slow, for now they were moving a step ahead from friendship still unkown for manik what he actually felt for her, his words not mine and well Nandini understood it and decided that their was no hurry at all.

The alarm ringing next to her beloved husband interrupted her thoughts, and she was still perplexed as to why he kept an alarm next to him even though he never woke up as a result of it. However, today was significant because they were both returning to work. Although Manik's father had asked her if she would like some time off to settle in at this location, she was unable to do so because her father had trusted her with the entire business, and the cooperation was about to take place. In order to maintain a deep inhale, she closed her eyes in preparation. However, when she opened them, the brown pupils that were staring directly beyond her engulfed her.

"Checking out your husband. Are we wife?" Manik cocked his one eyebrow with a smirk on his face.

"You dream husband. I was just switching off your beloved alarm clock." Nandini stumbled with her words regaining her posture. 

"You can Nandini since i am all yours. just being specific here." Manik grinned at her response. he liked the effect that he had on her and was always ready to tease but before he could continue his torture on her.

"Manik shut up! By the way whoever reaches the bathroom first gets to get dressed first.Now." and Nandini sprinted up away grabbing a towel in her hand closing the dor after her with a shut but not before giving a thumbs down to him.

Manik laughed at his wife's immaturity. Even though he was aware of her nature since they first met, he found it amusing every day even after it had become routine since their marriage. He couldn't help but wonder if he could spend every morning like this, but he knew he couldn't since he had a pledge to keep and a task to do. Who would have thought that Manik Malhotra, a businessman and musician, would one day turn against his own wife at home into a master mind soldier? He gave a "No" head nod. He wasn't benefiting in the least from these thoughts. He was aware that he could never reconcile with her. It was always going to be a lie even if it was his life's biggest truth.


Nandini shut the bathroom door behind her and gazed in the mirror at her reflection. She'd never been like this, well, she'd always dreamed of such morning scenes with her soulmate, but here the soul was absent even after it was there and she knew it, but Nandini was never one to overlook such major blunders.
 It had only been two days and she was already exhausted from doing this to him, her, and her family. Her family and father got her married thinking it was the finest decision, and she had thought the same thing until a few days before the wedding. She can't think about that right now. It was too late for her to change her mind. Thowring away the Nandini malhotra and welcoming back the Nandini she had decided to, she grabbed her toiletries and washed away her worries.

Nandini stepped out and searched around the room for Manik, but he was probably in the other washroom. She was returning to work today, and the preceding days had piled up a lot of work for both of them. Honeymoon was a cancelled option for the time being because they MUTUALLY decided that they could go out whenever they wanted.
 Walking down, she greeted the entire family; she had no idea how large his family was in comparison to hers, and meeting so many people first thing in the morning was unusual for her. The breakfast table was set, and she strolled over to welcome her in-laws, who had been waiting for them both.

"Good morning Nandini" Mr.Malhotra greeted her.

"Morning dad. Morning mom" nandini greeted both of them, it was wierd calling them mom and dad for the first day but now she was getting a hold of it.

"Morning kid. What will you like to have. Pancakes or something light?" Neyonia asked her settling herself beside her husband.

"Something lighter mom. I have an important meeting today and maybe i'll have a snack with them." nandini smiled back grabbing a pack of cereals from the table.

"Good morning people." A known voice was heard from behind. Manik greeted his family and gave a small peck on nandini's cheek settling beside her.

Public Display Of Affection. Nandini had never been a fan of it though but since Manik had been doing this everyday on the breakfast table in a way of greeting her presence along with his family she felt the gesture appealing.

Manik made himself comfortable beside her and worked on his apetite.

"So when are you joining our office Nandini. I mean your transfer."Manik's dad asked her.

"As soon as these recent foreign shipments gets clearned. I'll pull in a few strings for the paperwork of the collaboration and then i can officially transfer." Nandini replied , this was well a sensitive topic. After the wedding both the families were combining thier companies into one so that their kids could handle better.

The rest of the breakfast went in silence and glances.

"Nandini do you want me to drop you?" Manik asked Nandini getting up after he was done.

"Sure thanks. My car is still not here i don't know why."Nandini replied

"Hey! That's my duty so no thanks." Manik smiled at her grabbing his coat from the table along with the car keys.

"You should buy her a new one then Manik."Manik's dad told him so.

"I did dad but she is a strong independent women. Need no help."Manik shrugged looking directly at his wife as if he was stating an obvious fact.

"I did not say that okay. I meant that since i already have one, there is no need for a new one." Nandini replied crossing her arms before her.

"Okay okay now aren't you both getting late."Neyonika stepped in between their conversation.

"Yes bye mom bye dad" Nandini greeted her in laws.

"Bye dad" Manik did the same to his father and raised his eyebrows for nandini to move ahead but instead his wife coughed at him reminding THE TALK that they had last night, turning to face back he spoke "Bye mom" to neyonika and smiled a little before leaving the space awkwardly.

Nandini smiled brightly at her mother-in-law, who stood stunned with tears in her eyes and stepped out after her husband. Mr. Malhotra gave Neyonika a tiny nod as she spoke.Maybe not everything in her wedding was going poorly, Nandini thought as she walked out to the guy she was changing now, staring one last time at the small family she now had.

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