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Sorry for updating so late cause i have been pretty unwell recently and also stucked up in my college work.


Manik growled at the sudden pain he felt as soon as he tried opening his eyes. He kept a hand on his head trying to press it in order to subside the pain but his elbow banged with a soft surface and a soft groan travelled to his ear.

Openeing up his eyes he turned behind to look at the source of sound when he found his princess wife sleeping peacefully yet a little uncomfortably with her head against the headboard.  He smiled as he realised her soft fingers in his hair but soon a faded thought came inot his mind.

Weren't they having dinner last night but what happened after that.

Why were the memories so cloudy and bizzare.

He tried moving a little so that he could make her lie down but have boys ever been gentle at such acts. Nope. His little stir broke her slumber and Nandini opened her eyes only to look directly into another pair of warm eyes.

She had never realised how adorable he looked when he woke up until now when his head was on her lap, last night he felt at peace. Last Night. She remembered what she had done and so it was finally time to renew her act and add a little more dialogues.

Manik got back up and held his throbbing head.

"Is it paining alot?" Nandini asked with concern.

"Alot. Gosh where have i banged my head." Manik asked trying to decifer his pain.

"yeah sure you did" Nandini chuckled trying to touch his forehead massaging it a bit.

"What happened last night?" Manik finally asked a question he wanted to since he woke up.

"What do you mean. You slept." Nandini smiled pulling out a medicine from her side drawer.

"I can see that but the last thing i remember is we having dinner and then the next thing is a blur." Manik looked at his lovely wife being quizzled by the bizzare images moving inside his head.

"Yes we were and then i went to get our dessert but when i came back you were already sleeping in your chair. I guess you were really tired last night." Nandini explained handling him a pill and a glas of water. To dodge the latter questions coming at her she quickly made her way to her closet to get her outfit.

"Yeah but i have these really bizzare images. As if you were getting me from somewhere. Gosh this pain makes remembering so hard." Manik popped down the pill and looked at her.

"So this means that you shouldn't think about it much and yes i got you from the chair to the bed. I wouldn't have allowed you to sleep in an awkward position on the chair. I think you've just loaded yourself alot with work suddenly." Nandini picked out a pant suit dress and made her way to the bathroom.

"But-" Manik tried to shoot a question but Nandini blocked it on the way.

"No if's and but's detective. We have offices to attend. get up and get freshed. I think it's better if you go a little late today." Nandini got inside the washroom latching the door leaving a confused Manik behind her who felt a little uneasy with the explanation.


Nandini walked inside her office and headed straight to her P.A's desk.

"When do we have the first meeting?" Nandini asked her.

"Ma'am it's in 2 hours on the 5th floor at the conference room." her P.A. explained her schedule.

"Okay don't bother me until then. I'll be preparing the presentation in the conference room itself." Nandini ordered.

"Sure ma'am"

Nandini walked to the elevator and pushed the button for the 7th floor.


Walking to the farther most cabin on the deserted floor, she opened the door to face a man with his eyes on the view from the huge window.

"You are early?" Nandini asked.

"And you're late as always." Zeke laughed.

"You have no idea what i have been through since morning." Nandini complained placing her bag on the table.

"Too many questions?" Zeke chuckled.

"That man should be in CBI. I mean ' why is my head paining?' , ' why do i remember you dragging me?'. Like urgg." Nandini mimicked Manik.

"It's okay that's a human nature to be curious. By the way where is the data?" Zeke asked.

"At the safest place in the whole wide world." Nandini smirked. "So moving on! Got the number and device."

"As ordered" Zeke pulled out his laptop.

"We can't fuck this up okay." Nandini warned.

"Not a chance. Do you want to do the honors?" Zeke smirked at his best buddie putting up the entire set up.

"Hell yeah." Nandini shrieked pulling out a new phone from her bag and dialling the number.

Ring. Ring.

"Hello" a voice spoke from the other side.

"Hey is this Miss. Alia speaking?" Nandini asked as she made herself comfortable on the front chair.

"Yes sir. May i ask who is this?" Alya questioned.

Oh hell technology is great. Converting a women's voice into a man's.

Nandini looked at Zake giving him a thumbs up and he urged her to speak ahead.

"It's Joe this side. I mailed you as a representative for the Sunrise Company for you billboard photoshoot." Nandini started her act.

"Oh yes yes. I am so glad that you called. As soon as i saw you mail i was definitely in. So tell me when do i have to get my protfolio." Alyaspoke excitedly from the other side.

"We are so glad to have contacted you ma'am. And you don't have to show us your portfolio. We are already so impressed by you so i am calling to confirm your modelling project with us." Nandini tried surpressing her laugh.

"Yes yes i am ready. Tell me where do i have to be." Alya asked trying to act cool but she was not. It was a big project for her. A bllboard project.

"Thank you so much. We'll surely text you the address soon. Have a good day." Nandini replied.

"Yes thank you." Alya cancelled the call and Nandini looked at Zeke and they both bursted out into bubbled of laughter.

"Dubbest bitch of all." Zeke laughed his heart out.

"Tell me something i don't know." Nandini tried catching her breath.

"Okay okay now we have to set the whole thing up and let Joe know about this. Well you could have let him talk though instead of using his voice and talking." Zeke said.

"But it wouldn't have been such fun right. I really wanted to know how desperate she is to do this." Nandini smirked back.

"To be honest it was genius of you to come up with this plan. I mean trapping her into a trap that she loves the most. Modelling." Zeke complimented his friend.

"Thank you Thank you but it wouldn't have been possible without your genius computer programme." Nandini omplimented back.

" i know i am a genius so ready for the next trick?" Zeke asked.

"Yup. Let the game begin. Nandini 1, Manik 0" nandini laughed walking out of the cabin.

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