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Manik called up Nandini hoping that his wife would pickup and thankfully she did. He greeted her with a regular hello but no voice came from the other side apart from a few rustle bustle. He took a right turn trying to communicate with his wife at the same time when suddenly he heard a loud crash noise and the call went silent. His mind started panicking as he franticalling called her over and over again. His car came to  hault due to the sudden traffic that he heard was cause by a fatal accident between a car and a truck. He wished well for the poor driver as he aligned his car after the slow line moving ahead.

He called up at home to check over on Nandini since her cell came off when the maid picked up. before he can ask her anything he noticed the number plate of the upside down car and a stretcher rolling the victim to the ambulance which looked raher familiar. The reality struck in and he whooshed out of the car running after the stretcher. Coming closer he looked down at Nandini's pretty face, blood oozing out of her forehead with glass chunks attached and his heart sunkened. Not even in his worst nightmare he had ever thought to see her like this.

The sirens kept blaring and the voices around him faded as she was slipped inside the ambulance. His midn froze until an official pulled him behind.

"Excuse me sir this is an accident area. You have to leave." the police officer told him.

"Nandini" that was the only word that came out of his mind.

"Sir do you know the victim?" The officer asked.

"That's- That's my wife. That's Nandini. She - " Manik panicked sinking in his surroundings as the officer held him for support. The ground beneath him felt like a hole seeping him in.

"Sir you have to calm down. The collision were hard so we are taking her to the nearby hospital. It is important that you reach there for the procedures and also in from the rest of your family." the office tried making this poor guy understand.

Manik just nodded his head and dashed inside in his car driving behind the ambulance as he contacted his family wishing for the best.


Zeke felt odd walking out of the supermarket, as if a pair of eyes were constantly at him. He made his way through the end of the atrium locating out for the nearest door to the parking area when he saw a familiar reflection in the mirror ahead him. The figure looked like it was trying too hard to escape from him and a smirk planted on his lips. She had found him, even though this was a really bad timing he wasn't sure whether to confront or just walk out as discreetly as possible. He decided on the latter since Nandini was fully devoted to this plan and he would never want her hard work to go waste cause he knew one day when he'll face her, he would love to see the color drain out from her face.

Alya found it wierd for Zeke to have stopped in the middle of the corridor. Had he seen her, not possible she had been discreetful as an agent. She was about to walk up to him but soon saw he casually walking out of the main door. Heaving a sign of relief she decided to confront him outside so as to not make a big scene at the mall.


Nandini was taken to the emergency ward as the doctors started treating her. Manik cursed himself for leaving her the night before, only if he had been with her he would have never allowed her to get out and henceforth the accident would never had happen.

His entire family frantically ran upto him enquiring about Nandini as they prayed for her betterment. He felt fully responsible of the scenario as she saw how in a short span of time Nandini meant so much to these people. The real test came in when Nandini's dad walked upto him, straddling his shoulders enquiring about his daughter.

"How could you have let that happen? How? You were supposed to take care of her. " her father brawled out as Cabir took him in his arms.

"Uncle please be calm. She'll be okay. My Nandini is a fighter." Manik tried to calm his father in law down who pushed him back.

"Not your Nandini Manik, she is my daughter. She is nothing to you after what all you have been doing since the past few days. You don't deserve her. You get that." he shouted the words of truth at Manik which felt like bullets driving past his heart.

Manik came ahead to speak his side of story when the doctor arrived. Everyone formed a cluster around him asking various questions to know whether their loved one was fine or not.

"She is okay now. Can't say much since we will know the entire health scenario when she waked up but all thanks to the car security and the airbags that no major damage happened. She is under the dose of anesthesia and a few medicines so hopefully you can meet her tomorrow morning. " the doctor explained as he walked away to the next patient.

"Thank god my little child is safe." Neyonika thanked the lord as she hugged her husband. Nandini was now her own daughter more than anything in this world.

"Singhania our daughter is fine now. Lets' get back home." Mr. Malhotra adviced his friend.

"I am not leaving my daughter alone." Nandini's father stated in a pretty serious tone.

"I'll be here" both Cabir and Manik spoke i unison giving each other a slight smile. Nandini was special to both of them.

"No Manik. You are not going anywhere near my daughter. You have done enough. Now just get away from my family." Nandini's father held Manik's wrist as he shoved him to his family but atlast our hero was too strong for the old man.

Manik pulled his hand out of the old man's clutches as he stood stiff announcing his decision, "I AM NOT LEAVING MY WIFE ALONE".


Alya cursed herself for letting Zeke slip away from her sight as she looked around for his figure among the lot of cars.

She felt puzzled of the entire area until she felt a tap on her shoulder, turning around she froze as she came face to face with one of her worst nightmares. 

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