Chapter 6: Weapon

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You wake up to an alarm and look at your phon--scroll


You look up an see the same enormous bed you were in when you've fallen asleep

Guess I'm still here

You get up and dress up

You exit your room and go the kitchen

You've integrated the castle plan now, it's not as big at seems in the end, they're still a lot of rooms you didn't go into, but it's probably best like this...

"Always on time"

"Just like you Arthur, a regular schedule can only help"

Arthur: True

He drink his coffee while you drink your hot chocolate, it's crazy what you can get here considering the fact you're hundreds of kilometers away from civilization

You finish your breakfast and go to the training room, where you train alone until Hazel arrives

After an hour, the door open

Hazel: Good morning

"Good morning"

"She requested your presence in the throne room"

"Oh. Okay"

You walk out but he put his hand on your shoulder

"Don't get lost"


You go and arrive at the throne room, you knock and the door open itself

y/n: You've asked for my presence

Salem: I requested your presence, words are important

y/n: I know, that's why I'm changing them


*Salem and y/n chuckle*

Salem: One day, you'll submit

y/n: I hope for you

Salem: Anyway, it's time for you to take another step, come forth

You approach her as she get up

When you're close enough she begin to inspect you closely

Salem: It seems you've worked great to train your body

"Hazel helped greatly"

She look in your eyes and raise an eyebrow

"I didn't expect you of all people to deflect a praise on someone else"

"Maybe you need to learn more about me then"

She roll her eyes

"Anyway, I'll unlock your Aura so you can start training for real, you won't survive without it"


She raise her hand and place on you head

You don't say anything but make sure to look angry at this

"Bear with it"

After 5 seconds of this embarrassing situation, you begin to feel a wave of warm through your body

When it reaches your feet, you see yourself glowing dark gray

A fitting color

But suddenly, you sense yourself weakening and fall on your knees, taking support on the ground

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