Chapter 25: Transition

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You are standing still with Jaune. Waiting for Summer to finish

Guess it does make you think when you see your own grave...

Summer, turning back: I'm good

You see she has more negativity than usual, and she wipe tears from her face

Summer: I guess I... I just didn't want to believe it...

So she still had doubts

y/n: I understand. You see now that this tomb isn't new...

Summer: Yes. Now, it is time we--

*whistling sound*

You all run and hide in the forest

You see a girl wearing red arriving, she's whistling happily


You look at Summer and her eyes are wide

The girl stop whistling when she approach Summer's grave

Ruby: Hey mom. Sorry I haven't come back in a while. Again... We had... Well we had some problems... B-Beacon was attacked... Professor Ozpin and two of my best friends are... gone... Yang lost an arm and I somehow froze a giant Grimm with my eyes... Real Huntress of the year... We lost a lot. But we are still here. Weiss was took back to Atlas by her father and Blake--... Blake ran... I don't really know what to do now... I mean, everything just fell apart so... quickly... And the people who did that are still nowhere to be found... Uncle Qrow told me you too had silver eyes, that you used them to fight Grimm... I wish you could be there to teach me how to use them...


"I... I just feel like a failure. As a leader and as a Huntress... I couldn't do anything although I had the chance to... We have a clue tho. We know the ones who did this came from Mistral, so I may go over there with Ren and Nora to find answers. By the way, Jaune went away too, one day, just like this... I'll try my best to find out what happened and catch them. I'm sorry but I'll have to not tell dad or uncle Qrow, they wouldn't let me go... Anyway, wish me luck. I'll do my best to be as good as you!"

She turn around and walk away

You look at Summer, and she's crying

Summer: I-I'm sorry Ruby... I'm sorry I wasn't there for you! I can't come back now... I need to ensure you won't have to end like me. You aren't a failure, you did your best, I am a failure as a mother...

She seems to be talking to herself as if Ruby was there, so you let her finish


Summer: I'm sorry, I just--

You stop her by hugging her

y/n: Say no more. It's okay. I promise you we will not let the same thing happen to your daughter that happened to you

Summer: I know. I just wish I could have hugged her and reassure her right now... But we have something to do before

y/n: Exactly. But, to achieve this, I need to talk to her a bit, and to you too

Summer: What is it?

"Jaune, can you go away a bit, I don't need you to hear this"

Jaune: Of course my Lord

He walk away

y/n: You know I come from another world, but I haven't told you everything... I... I know the future

Summer: Oh. That would actually explain a lot

"Yeah... So, I know it partly and weirdly. That's how I knew about Jaune's Semblance, and how I manage to enter Salem's group. I knew their plan. And from what I know, I changed something that shouldn't have been"

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