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I wake still cradled in Cato's arms. I'm irritated to find that he's also fallen asleep on watch, but the absence of torrential rain quickly lightens my mood. Though the ground is still damp, it seems the storm might have finally passed. I untangle myself from my still half-asleep District partner, pushing myself to my feet beneath the rocky outcrop. The woods surrounding our camp seem to be deserted, but I step out into the open with two knives at the ready. An ambush could be only metres away, waiting for us to wake up before they take a shot.

Once I'm convinced Katniss Everdeen isn't perched up a nearby tree, bow at the ready, I shake Cato awake and begin to gather our supplies. We chomp through the last of Sidonia's gifted meals as I shove everything back into our packs. Cato seems only able to communicate in grumbles, displeased at being woken up, but even he knows we can't afford to sit around and wait. The end of the rain signifies that our window to take out the last tributes begins now.

I don't want to waste even a minute of hunting time. There are three others left in the running, besides Cato and me – that's the same amount of kills as I must have made during the first hour. One of that number is weaponless, the other injured. Which means the only real remaining adversary is the girl on fire herself.

We leave the rocky outcrop and begin to make our way through the woods. The sun is bright above the canopy again, and I'm soon sweltering in my jacket. I ball it up and shove it into my pack to keep it safe, as its likely we'll face another freezing night later. The Gamemakers seem to be controlling the weather so that the days are boiling hot and the nights ice cold. The extremes aren't so bad that we're at risk of hypothermia, but the chill often spurs people to start fires at ridiculous times, which is an easy way to get killed. Like the girl from District 8 discovered on the first evening, when she found herself at the mercy of Cato's sword.

That night seems eons ago now, back when there were six of us roaming the woods together. Marvel's jokes and Glimmer's flowery giggles following us through the trees. The thought of her brings a tightness to my chest. In another life, far from Panem and the threat of the Hunger Games, we could've grown to be close friends.

But no, I must not allow myself to think like that. The Games will bring Cato and I glory. Glory and honour. They will send us home to 2 as a king and queen. It is what we've trained half our lives for, all we have ever wanted. Isn't it?

I'm still pondering the answer when Cato taps me on the shoulder, dispelling the strange thought from my mind. As I take in the sight of him, golden hair and icy blue eyes sparkling down at me, I'm suddenly ashamed I even considered any other life. Cato and I will go back to District 2 as victors. We will live across the street from each other, be able to go on dates together. We will mentor the pairs of tributes selected by District 2 in future Games. Perhaps we'll even become the Darius and Elena of our generation, the famed Career couple who won the 74th Hunger Games.

Suddenly aware that I've been presuming Cato and I will stay together long enough to marry, a blush begins to creep up my cheeks. Without Sabetha's heavy layers of makeup, I am abandoned to it's full mercy.

Cato eyes me curiously, smirk curling the corner of his lip. "You've gone red, what are you thinking about?"

"Nothing." I reply, far too quickly, internally cursing myself as he laughs and prods me in the rib, making me jump.

"That is not nothing, come on what is it?" He teases. I refuse to meet his eyes, wishing for some kind of distraction. And it comes, but not in the way I'd expected.

𝐆𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐘 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐆𝐎𝐑𝐄 ▸ HUNGER GAMES [ 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now