Terms and Language Guide

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So I realize not everyone is a JRR Tolkien wiz, and certainly reading those books are hella confusing at first. This is a guide to make it all a bit less confusing (hopefully).

First off, the location of the town that our heroine is from "Credondale" does not exist in JRR Tolkien's Middle-Earth, it is a place I made up for the purpose of this story. Arabelle and her parents, Geoffrey, the Chief, and the door-tending woman also does not exist. I try not to give any of the people from her town actual names, so as not to confuse them with real characters. Arabelle and Geoffrey being the exceptions of course, since their characters are important. I have a map I edited myself so that I can keep track of all the routes they characters take to get around but I cannot find a place to publish it without making it the cover of the story which I do not want. So I will describe to you where I placed the town. All it takes is a simple Google search "the hobbit map" to come up with dozens of different maps; my favorite one being the one that says "Middle Earth" in the lower left corner and a compass in the upper left.

If you start at The Lonely Mountain and follow the river South to the lake of Esgaroth or "Long Lake," the town of Laketown is nestles in between that and there the river called "Forest River" meets the lake. Then if you go South of the lake and follow the river called "River Running," you will see the Mirkwood is on the left side of the river. But there is a small patch of the forest that does spill over on to the right side of the river, closer to the Iron Hills. In that tinny little patch of forest is where Credondale lies. Now the journey that takes Arabelle and the others to Lake town basically just follows the River Running up to the lake where they cross over on the river that leads from the Lonely Mountain. Dale, the city Arabelle stays at, is just before the Lonely Mountain but she travels around the outside to the back side of the mountain which is where she falls into the depths of Erebor. But when she decides to go out on her own to the Elvin Kingdom she crosses the River Running behind her village and travels North along it on the left side, the Mirkwoods side.

Now if anyone is confused, Rhosgobel, Woodman Town and their extension of Woodman Hall, River Running, Forest River, Wood Elves, Mirkwood, lake Esgaroth or Long Lake, Dale, the Lonely Mountain, and Erebor are all real places. All songs sung are real songs from either Lord of the Rings or the Hobbit that JRR Tolkien wrote, or they are songs that were created for the movies adaption.

Lastly, I have compiled a list of all the Elvish terms Arabelle or any other character uses in the story which I will update as each chapter goes on:

Elvish Tongue:

Amarth Faeg! = Evil/ Poor Fate (Bad luck)

Nîdh! = Ouch!

Drego! = Flee!

Ego! = Go Away!

Noro! =Run!

Gwaem = Let's Go!

Guren níniatha n'I lû n'I a-govenitham = My heart shall weep until I see you again (I will be sad until we meet again)

Rhaich = Curses!

Sevig thû úan = You smell like a monster (You have the smell of a monster)

Man cerig = What did you say/ do?

Pedin i phith in aníron = I can speak as I wish (I can say whatever I want)

Leithio nin = Release me (Let me go)

Le feal = You are generous (Thank you)

Iston I nîf gîn = I know your face (I've seen you before)

Prestad? = Is there trouble? (What's wrong?)

Gwestog? = Promise? (Can you promise me?)

Hinil vuin = My lady (Beloved lady)

Ú-iston = I don't know

Ma mauya? = Is this necessary?

Nin gwerianneg = You have betrayed me

Ego mibo orch = Go kiss an Orc

Echuio = Wake up

Av-'osto = Do not fear (Don't be afraid)

Eca = Don't (Do not)

Eca áva quetё = Don't be quiet (Do not leave me)

Ge melin = I love you

Guren níniatha n'I lû n'I a-govenitham = My heart shall weep until I see you again (I will be sad until we meet again)

If you have any more questions about the story feel free to drop me a comment and hopefully I can answer it! Na lû e-govaned vîn (Until we meet again)!

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