Build me up

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        Our life symbolizes a pencil. It often leads us to a certain characteristics that a pencil have.  Like “there's something good in you” the second one is “you need to be sharpened in order to live” the third is “in case of mistakes, you are provided with an eraser” second to the last important charecteristic is “remember somebody is holding you” and the last but not least “you must leave a mark.”

     “Beauty is not about the fairest skin. It's about the purest heart” in the first characteristics we must have pure heart that  possess in everyone of us. Each of us, possess a goodness that will help others to see the beauty within. People might say bad things but the most important part is our heart. We must have pure heart to accept what life throws to us. It will be our weapon in everything. To perform a certain task in this world and through the help of GOD we can do everything.

     “sometimes we have to lose something precious in order to gain something priceless” the second characteristic is a sharpener or we can say it trials in our lives. Based on my personal experience when I lose myself – confidence, it takes a lot of confusion, pain, fear and betrayal. But it is HIS way, for me to understand and smile again. HE teaches me how to trust again and push forward in life. And now it helps me to gain myself confidence and have a strong personality.

     “bestfriends are the people who make your problems their problems just so you don't have to go through them alone” when we make a mistakes, our friends serves as an eraser to us. They will help us to move forward in every strunggles we might have. Cause mistakes teaches us important lessons. And GOD gives us a friend to

correct us when we encounter wrong path to reach our goal. It's our stepping stone to keep closer with what we deserve.

      “GOD won't give you more than you can bear HE might let you bend but HE won't let you break” in the third aspect GOD always there for us with the help of our parents. HE always hold us just keep us safe. And if there is an instances that we might feel that we are alone HE might give us a bigger plan. Cause “GOD will make a way when there seems to be no way”. Whatever brings us down will eventually make us stronger. “GOD show me the way because the devil's trying to break me down”. When HE gives me trials in every stages in my life, it soon help me to move on, stand up and go on, cause with all these pain I have, I need to smile and wait for the next challenges to direct me to a much greater happiness.

     “Make GOD smile. Accept HIS forgiveness.” the last thing we must keep in mind. When GOD wants to use us in someone else's life, it may not be pretty or comfortable, but they need to see JESUS. And HE smile with every small thing we did in our lifetime. Even if its small or big the important thing is we make them happy and we make GOD happy also. Share the happiness we have because “happiness depends upon ourselves.” And happiness comes when we stop complaining about the troubles we have and give thanks to GOD for all the troubles we don't have.”

JOURNEY'S HANDTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon