Encounter #4: The Options

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"Paradise!" She cheered as we arrived at a building. Outside was painted bright pink and the roof had an irregular shape, as if it was topped with vanilla and chocolate ice cream. It also has an over-decorated sign that screamed "Ice cream!". Well, from what I saw, I doubt it was an Ice Cream Store.

"Come on! The ice cream ain't gonna buy themselves!"

"I'm coming, I'm coming."

She pulled me like a little kid through the doorways and stops as she was intoxicated by the scent of chocolate and strawberries. She fell out of trance after she breathe the sugary air. She then she gave me an annoyed look like I didn't do what I was suppose to.


"Don't what me! Go there and line up before it gets any longer." she said while pushing me towards the counter.

It's true, the line is pretty long. I decided that I should better get in line before someone who was forced, like me, did.

Everything from the menu was fine and I will admit that it does make me want to buy one for myself. But I wished I would have known sooner how much one costs.

"A dollar for a double-scoop waffle cone?"

"I know right?" She agreed. I thought we were on the same page, until she said:

"That's too cheap for a first-class ice cream" Nope! Spoke too soon!

"Too cheap? TOO CHEAP?! You've got to be kidding me!"

"No, really! A dollar could've been worth atleast a single scoop. I guess they had a promo or something." She spoke as if it was just normal for an ice cream to be worth more than an elementary's allowance. And I hated that she used the word atleast.

"Look, I already used up my money. And even if I didn't, I couldn't afford this first-class ice cream."

"And you've got the nerves to take me on a date!"

"I never asked you to go on a date with me!" I bursted. which attracted a lot of unwanted attention.

"Geez, how did it end up like this?" I thought to myself while look back to the time we met after the said

It was all fine and dandy after the first 10 seconds that I went out the arcade, and the following seconds just ruined it. As I got pass the doorway, I took my time to close my eyes, and took a deep breath, because I thought that nothing happened at all. Yet, that was the problem, I thought, because as soon as I opened my eyes, the same girl as before was look up towards me, just underneath my nose, and that made me jump backwards.

"It's funny that you noobs thought that your first <encounter> were your last." She said as she slowly steps towards me.

"Are you trying to freak me out? Cause you sure did!"

"Really? I knew you were easily scared, but I never would have thought you were this easy." She said as she chuckled in between phrases

"So, after your first <encounter>, are you now moved by how awesome we summmoners are?"

"Moved? Of course I am! In fact, during my first ever <encounter>, I was so moved, that it was like my body had a mind of it's own. Oh, yeah, IT DID!"

"Oh, that was just your instincts kicking-in. It won't control you anymore once you have trained your mind and body to match it." She assured me as if she missed the sarcasm.

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