Encounter #3: The First Battle

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And now we're back to where we left off. For those who can't recall, I am currently trapped in an alley while being hunted down by a monster who wants to eat me. You know, I don't really care if I die like this, at least it's not a plain way of dying, right? I could already imagined what would be etched in my tombstone, "Cause of death: Turn into a Mark-kebob". Then my folks would cry, and they might laugh a little too. My only two notable relatives are my Mom and Mirna, and I guess their feelings towards me is mutual too. So I'm guessing that they would be the ones drowning in tears most of the time. Kyle might also be there, with another girl of course. And I guess the girl from earlier might also come. I mean she SHOULD come! After all, she was the reason I ended up in this situation in the first place. All she ever did was confuse me with her delusions and craziness. Oh, and she also gave me a crystal ball, maybe I could use that as a ballast.

"Wait a minute, that's it! Maybe that could be useful!"

So I looked for the crystal ball, but I don't have it anywhere. I already check the places it might have rolled into, my bag, under the trash bins, nowhere! But then I got the craziest idea on where it might have been. I reached to my pocket and hoped for the best. Now, this is in-fact, totally crazy. I mean, how could a crystal ball that is almost the same size as a bowling ball, fit in a pocket that was only meant for wallets? And you know what's even crazier? I WAS there! At least, I think it was. I felt something as small as a marble in my pocket. I took it out, and to my surprise, it was a miniature replica of the crystal ball. I don't know how. Maybe because it IS magic! Then the marble started to float and glow in bright light. After the light faded, it reverted back to its original size.

"How does this work again?" I asked myself as the earth shakes with every step the monster makes.

Then I remembered, I need to show the champion the ball. But I'm kind of afraid. No, REALLY afraid! I mean, I can't go out there blind! This is really a do or die moment. It's either I wait and die like a coward, or face my fears and die trying.

"Well, at least I tried." I said as I ran out the alley and headed to my doom.

The monster's distance is not very near, nor far either. The narrow streets of the city must've made it hard for the monster to walk. So I wasted no time and tried to remember her instructions. Now the monster is at least 30 meters away from me. I closed my eyes shut in fear of the monster might do as I lifted the crystal ball above my head, as if I was offering it to the monster. I kinda looked like the monkey in "Lion King", you know, in the "circle of life" part.

There was silence, a sudden peace, which was relieving, but at the same time, it gave me fear, the fear of knowing what happened, what's going to happened, and what will happen.

"Argh!" Screeched by the monster, which broke the silence.

I opened my eyes and saw the monster floating and being bind by light

"The light! It burns!" Cried by the poor Cho'gath, who seems to be helpless of the situation

It was not only Cho'gath that's glowing, but my orb as well. There was a ray of light coming from it that was connected to light binding Cho'gath, like it was some sort of leash. The champion seems to be struggling to be released. After a few seconds, the light began to fade away and the monster slowly descended. The monster's energy seems to have been drained because it was lying flat on the ground, trying to catch its breath. I kinda feel sorry for the big guy, though I still didn't dare myself to go anywhere near it.

"Ha-hahaha! F-foolish S-summoner!" Chuckled by the monster as it slowly got up.

"Did you think your measly glass ball could handle me?" It continued

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