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(Y/n) let out a soft groan, cracking her eyes open. She was warm, curled up against something soft. She opened her eyes fully, realizing she was securely curled up in Sonic's arms, the blue hedgehog's face content as he slept.

The (a/t)'s cheeks colored softly as she assessed her situation. She didn't want to wake Sonic, but she was hungry and wanted to do a favor for him since she still felt horrible for burning his ear. She glanced up at it, loosely drooping against his head. She wiggled one of her arms out of his embrace, gently touching it. It flicked under her fingers and she quickly withdrew.

She glanced at Sonic's face. Still asleep. But she didn't think he would show her he was awake if he was. So she tucked her arm back in and closed her eyes, trying to go back to sleep. He would 'wake up' before her and get out of the embrace and that would make her feel less bad.

"Aw...." She cracked one eye open and saw him looking down at her. She blushed heavily and looked away. "I thought you were gonna give me a head rub."

"I can," she whispered softly. "I still feel so bad about your ear."

"Don't be. We already talked about this, anyway. We got away, and with a little bit of pain, okay. You jerked both of your wrists out of place for crying out loud!"

"That's different."

"How." It sounded more like a statement than a question and her ears flattened awkwardly.

"I did that to myself," she said quietly.

"To save me," Sonic inserted. "So, technically, I'm equally at fault for being too slow." 

"You're the fastest thing alive," (Y/n) said, completely serious. "There's no such thing as too slow for you." 

"In most cases." He rested his head on the ground, his forehead lightly touching hers. Her heart sped up slightly. "But looking at your wrists, the bruises and cuts, and the terror you showed, I consider myself too slow to find you and prevent that from happening." His arms tightened around her slightly, but she didn't miss it. 

"You weren't too slow," she murmured. "Thank you." Sonic hummed; she felt the sound through his chest. 


After they'd finally scraped together the motivation to get up and do something like get something to eat, they worked on trying to contact the remainder of the resistance. Of course, the first person Sonic tried to contact was Tails, while (Y/n) reached out to Knuckles. 

"(Y/n)! Glad to hear from you! The Chaotix reported that they'd run into you, but when they called to check in the next day, you were gone!" 

"Sorry," she said. "I got a little held up. I met up with Sonic." She glanced up at the blue blur as she said his name and he flashed her a cheesy smile that made her quickly look away. 

"Sonic! What was the hold up in reaching out to one of us?" Knuckles shouted through the communicator, forcing (Y/n) to shove it away from her face. Sonic winced. 

"Uh, Knux, stop shouting," he said. "I was just busy and I knew you all could handle yourselves." He looked awkwardly at the (a/t). "Until you can't, that is." 

"Well, I guess it's nice to know you're still alive," the commander said. "We've been making it a habit to check in with everyone every once in a while, just in case Eggman decides to show up again. We haven't heard from Tails recently, though." 

"Strange," Sonic said, tapping his communicator repeatedly. "He's not answering my calls, either." As if to contradict him, the fox picked up suddenly and the trio went silent. 

"Sonic," a deep voice said. Definitely not Tails. (Y/n)'s spine went rigid. She knew that voice. She'd know it from anywhere. Whoever their assailant was, he was dropping his cover. 

"SONIC! IT'S INF-" Tails' voice was quickly silenced and the fox let out a tiny yelp that made Sonic hiss. 

"Quiet, you nuisance. As you probably know by now, I've already taken out Tails, and had you not been there for (Y/n), she would have been eliminated as well." He sounded like he wanted to say more, but Sonic interrupted. 

"If you hurt one hair on his head, I will find you," he snarled. "I will find you, Infinite. I know who you are. I don't know how you survived, but I know that you're an idiot. You have too many weaknesses, you're just too-" 

"Weak?" Infinite chuckled over the communicator. "Yes, I thought you would say that. But do you know who else called me weak?" Sonic glanced up at (Y/n), who shrugged. "The Ultimate Lifeform himself." 

"Way to go, Shadow," Sonic muttered. 

"Yes, Shadow. He is the one that ultimately created me, but I am ever so grateful. However, if he is anything to go by, he alone was unable to stop me. I brought him to his knees with my power." 

"Yeah, but your Phantom Ruby is unsupplied," (Y/n) pointed out. "You can't-"

"Ah, but I have already distorted your reality. The Phantom Ruby is powered by something much greater than any Eggman facility." 

"What could possibly power that piece of junk?" Sonic laughed. Infinite echoed the noise, making the blue hedgehog fall silent. 

"Eventually, you will know," the jackal said. "I know you will. I know everything about you Sonic. Everything there is to know how to take you down. To bring out your own weaknesses and act upon them." 

"Compared to you, my weaknesses pale," Sonic snapped. "You have no one to back you up, not even Eggman. In the end, you'll still lose." 

"Say what you like. However, I already know the outcome of this quarrel. I can bend reality. I know exactly where all of your friends in the resistance are. No matter where you run, or how fast, Sonic the Hedgehog, I will still find you. No amount of resisting will be able to stop me. And then...." Tails began making noise again, which was followed by a loud thump and Sonic gripped the communicator so hard (Y/n) thought he would break it. She grabbed his arm. "It will end." 

"Mighty words," Sonic hissed through, his whole body shaking. 

"My mistake was letting you live," Infinite said. "I underestimated you, and I realize that. But believe me, letting you and your friends live, that is a mistake I will not make again." 

"Don't you-" 

"Please," Tails whimpered, and by the volume, he'd been brought closer to the speaker. "W-w-we can-"

"My deepest apologies," Infinite said mockingly. "But allowing you the chance to rescue him would be too easy." 

"TAILS!" Sonic shouted, shaking the communicator as if it would teleport him there. (Y/n) squeezed her eyes shut and gripped his arm tightly. "Infinite, I'll do what you want. I'll give myself up! Just let him go!" 

"Come find me," Infinite said. "Twenty four hours, exactly. If you are one second late, as I suspect you will be, then you know what will happen." Tails' whimpering softened, but didn't stop, but that seemed to be more comforting than the silence. And then the connection was cut. 

"We have to go get him. We have to go now," Sonic said, clamping the communicator around his wrist and turning to (Y/n). She shook her head. "I'm going to need your help!" 

"Send Knuckles. The Chaotix. Anyone but you. They can find him. I know they can. We stopped Infinite once, we can do it again. If you go, the bigger the chance that Infinite will get what he wants. If he's back and coming after you, that means he can't be unprepared. He has to know what he's doing." 

"So do I," Sonic said. His gaze softened and he grabbed her arms, shaking her slightly. "I need your help. Please. Come with me." She stared at him, studying him. He knew that he was running right into the danger, and he refused to back down. He was doing it for his friend. 

She lowered her head. 

"Fine," she murmured. "If we go out, we go out fighting." She let out a small yelp as Sonic suddenly swept her up into a tight hug. 

"Thank you," he said, lifting her off her feet. "Now let's go kick some jackal butt."

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