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MARCH 8TH 2023!


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my head snapped around towards, kerri,
and she gave me a worried glance.

"look i tried to talk scott out of it but-"i cut
her off midsentence, as my hands started
to shake.

"do they not realize that the anxiety
he gives me because the way i left
it off could cause me to relapse?"i asked,
and kerri's eyes widened.

"carter mae sullivan if you even think
about relapsing with bronny i will
skin your ass myself."she growled, and
narrowed my eyes at her.

"i won't ever do that to her kerri,
you should know me better than
that by now."i sneered, and she rubbed
her temples.

"i told scott flat out no, but he
said the ads for it were already
being made up."she continued, and
i let out a bitter chuckle

"so let me guess brantley's headlining it?"
i asked, with bitterness dripping from
my lips.

"no carter he's not."she pulled up a
photo from her phone, and showed it to

"carter mae sullivan, RSVP headlining tour?"
i read aloud quietly, and then the shock came through me.

"i get my own headlining tour?"i ask,
and she grins, and i start to scream for joy.

"you start tour rehearsals monday,
with you and the band figuring out
the tour setlist before rehearsals."she
explained, and i grinned bringing her
into a hug.

"thank you so much kerri."i told her, and
she grinned.

"that's what im here for."


i bit my lip, before looking back at kingston,
my lead guitarist before shaking my head.

"damn! i'm shocked at that one!"evan my drummer
exclaimed, and i chuckled.

"not in a relationship right now, maybe later on?"i suggested,
and evan nodded.

evan and kingston was a mix of ben times two.
the crazy, funny, loving, best guys i knew. they
treated bronwyn like a niece and knew
not to get on my bad side. but they were
like my blood brothers.

"who are you gonna sing amfp with?"lila, my
backup singer asked, and i threw my head back.

"gotta talk with BG see if he'll do it with me
but then again i haven't talked to him in almost
four years basically."i mumbled, and kingston
pulled me into a side hug.

"ill take bronny to the park to get
her out of your hair if you want
for a little bit while you talk to BG."
he offered, and i sighed, "if you
don't mind."

"i don't. that's why i offered.
i miss my niece anyway."kingston
grinned, causing one to come
onto my face too.

"hey im coming with too!"evan pouted,
"i want to show her who loves her the most!"

"you are delusional if you think
that you're her favorite uncle.
we all know who is her favorite."king fought
back, and i chuckled, as lila and i looked
at each other.

"jason."the two of us said, and kingston
rolled his eyes.

"go call bg."he shooed me out of the house,
onto my porch to where i pulled out my
phone and dialed BG's number.

it went right to voicemail, and i sighed,
before leaving one.

"he didn't pick up?"

i jumped, looking behind me
to find evan standing behind me.

"i swear to god i'll deck you
the next time you do that."i grumbled,
and he chuckled.

"relax ms.mae, you're fine."he rubbed
my shoulders as i put my head down on
my porch.

"you two need to talk before the tour
just to make things peaceful because
the fans are gonna notice, and i don't
want you to feel so anxious around him."
evan explained, and my knee bounced.

"i really, really don't wanna talk about
what happened that night ev."i whispered.

"i was drunk out of my mind that night
and we had sex."my voice shook, as i
thought back to that night.

"god ev."tears pricked at my eyes,
"i ran because that's what i was used
to and kept this secret with me from
bronwyn and brantley for four years,
god what kind of mother am i?!"

"carter mae sullivan if i ever
hear you say that again i'll
have caroline come over here and
give you the worst ear tugging
youve ever had."i jumped, turning
around to find kingston furious from
what he heard

"i've known you for the past
ten years carter. i've seen
the ups, the downs, your
relationships, and when i
got to meet my favorite niece."
kingston looked at me, leaning
up against my porch.

"but she doesn't know her
dad king, i feel like i've kept
her away from a great guy
because of my selfish ass."
i sniffed as tears started to
flow heavily down my face.

"you're scared what could
happen carter."evan told me,
and for the first time since
i wrote girl, i broke down.

"shh, don't make yourself
sick mae."kingston rubbed
my back, as my sobs got

"god i just wish i could go back four years ago"

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