A/n sorry guys it's been a while, I just lost motivation for a while but I'm back. Anywho make sure to stream chromatica and attend blm protests that's all.
As I was petting my pet dolphin in my pool, Adam walks out and pushes me in.
"Lol whore" he says.
He's so playful. I hop out of the pool and dry off.
"What do you want to do today" I ask him
"Idk idc" he said.We settled on watching a movie called "genital hospital"(this is a real movie don't watch it). About halfway when the nurse pulls out a gun there's a knock on the door. The pizza.
I open the door not looking up as I'm fiddling through my wallet for the $32.45 I need to pay for the food.
"Uhhh here." I say as I hold out my money and look up.
I drop the money and my jaw drops.