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"y/n, y/n"
I feel someone holding my right hand, I give it a squeeze.  And slowly open my eyes to see a girl sitting next to.  Isabel. 
"Where am I?"
"The hospital y/n."
"You got shot, how do you not remember?" She asks me.
"I guess I didn't feel it." I say in a croaky voice like the crazy frog bing bing bitch.

She starts getting really excited.
"I'm sorry it's just, I was worried so much about you."
"Lol why?" I ask her.
She goes quite.
"Isabel?" I ask her nervously.
"Y/n.... I- I" she gets up and moves right over me and our faces are so close, I can feel her hot breath on my face.  I stare into her eyes.
"Isabe-" I get cut off by her.  She gives mean slow long kiss and stands straight up.
"I should go" she looks down at the floor and starts to hurry out the door.
"Isabel wait!" I call out, but it's too late, she's already out the door.

"Hey hey hey" Adam says as he pokes his head in the door and then walks all the way in closing the door behind me.
"How are you feeling?" He asks.
"Good" I respond still phased by isabels kiss.  Why did she do it?
Why did I enjoy it?
"So those ropes were kinda hot." Adam starts droning on.  I just stare out the window thinking with the occasional "uh huh" or "yeah" back to Adam.
"Y/n what's going on?" Adam asks with a concerted look on his face.
"I just feel groggy that's all Adam" I say covering up my obvious confusion.
"Ok see you later y/n" he says planting a kiss on my head, I still get butterflies from him.

But I got them from isabel too.

Adam Jones x reader Where stories live. Discover now