Chapter idk

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Me and Adam are sneaking through the house to leave.
The light switches on.
"Where are you 2 going?" Emily.
I turn around. 
I feel a sting on my face.  The bitch just slapped me wtf. 
"WE ARE LEAVING!" I yell at the bitches face while grabbing Adams hand and running out the door.  He dives in the passenger seat.  I pull out so fast Emily doesn't even open the front door in time to see us leave.

We are driving like 137 miles per hour down the highway.  I pull over we still have thirty minutes to kill before the tour bus leaves.  We both look at each other and go to the back seat.

I think you know where this is going.  He rips my sweats down and starts munching.  I'll leave out the details.

The clock goes by in a flash and it's time to go.  We start the car and drive to where the tour bus is.  We get out of the car and there he is.  Harry with his lucious brown licks and green orbs.

"Ello luv is this Adam?"
I nod.
"Perfect Adam, can you sing"
He nods.
"Perfect you will be our opener." Harry tells him.
He nods, looking off into the distance brutingly.  He's so sexy.

Harry shows us around the bus, and introduces us to the other members.  Zayn was eyeing my down. 
Mental note to keep an eye out for him.

Harry then ends our tour by showing us the beds... which we have to share because he only anticipated me coming.  So I have to share a small bed with Adam, every night.

All day we were on the road and I got to know everyone better, Louis was the coolest though.

I was having a conversation with him about our families, and things we like, the whole time Adam was glaring at Louis out of jealousy, it made my heart flutter.  Him in his sexy leather jacket and tank top which exposed a little of his tattoos, and his fedora too.

Later in the night I grab something from the pantry and run right into zayns chest.
"Let me help you up y/n"
He grabs my hand and pulls me up roughly so my face is right at his chin.  I feel his hot breath go down my chest.
"You know you could stay with me." He tells me
"Zayn in with Adam and you know that."
"Think about it and I'll see you later." He walks away.

Fuck, my feelings are conflicted and I'm sexually frustrated.  I walk back to bed with Adam already in it.  I slide in right next to him and he starts kissing and pressing up on me. 
"Yeah whore?" He says in a husky low voice.
"I'm not tired I'm gonna go sit in the back room, you can just go to bed."  I slide out of bed.  He just shrugs and turns over.
I walk to the back room that's just a big couch in only my underwear and a big t shirt, a breeze runs by and makes my bare legs cold.  I open the back door and zayn is there.  Fuck. 
"Hey" I say in a small voice. 
He slams his lips onto mine and I'm taken by surprise.  I shouldn't be doing this.  I mean I'm not technically with Adam.  Whatever, he's been distant lately anyways.  I give in.

We move in sync and it's almost magic.  Zayns really good at this.  Eventually we are down to nothing and he thrusts right into me.  It kinda hurt but fuck Adam.  The door opens fuck. 

It's Harry.  He looks at us and smiles and starts stripping.  This isn't it. 
"Ow stop zayn"
"No shut up bitch i don't care."
"STO-" he covers my mouth and flips me over to doggystyle.  Harry walks over and shoves his big meaty cock in my mouth.  This isn't fun, this isn't like Adam.  I'm being Eiffel towered right now, it's not fun. 

Tears start streaming down my face.
CREAK, the door opens.

It's Adam, I try to scream for help but Harry's big cock is taking up all the room in my mouth. 
"I knew this wasn't real." He says disappointed and walks out.

"Shut it bitch Harry says slapping my face hard with his cock.  It hurt, not in a good way like Adam either. 

They both finish and put on their clothes and leave.  I curl up in a ball and start sobbing.  I don't stop, I have no family, no Adam.  Nothing.  I'm about to jump out of this bus. 
"I knew you were trouble when you walked in" I look up.
"You should have stayed away from my Adam poo you bitch." She says as she slaps me across the face again.
She spits in my face and storms out.  I hear the bus come to a halt from the screech of the tires. 

She comes back in with Harry and zayn who grab my arms.  They drag me out of the bus into a little cabin. 
"So you're probably curious how I got this all?  Well I saw you and Adam at the movies.  You little slut.  I paid for 1d to bait you to come one tour with my laundered money.  And my plan worked, you will never see Adam again."  She turns around and walks out and locks the door.  I run and hit the door as hard as I can.  I scream and cry.  But everyone left.  I'm stuck in this small house to rot away. 

I lay on the floor and cry and cry and sob.  I try to manifest Adam or my mom coming to get me.  But nothing happens.  I'm so tired and I slowly start to drift away.

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