Making her way out of the last class of the school year, the blonde girl smiled in joy. It wasn't that she hated school (she actually enjoyed it) but moving on from the Junior year of high school with good SAT scores, a potential boyfriend, and nice grades, felt amazing.
Their lockers would still be theirs the next year, so after smiling at the pictures of her friends in hers, Betty closed the door and walked out of the school and down the stairs.
A hand with perfectly manicured nails was placed on her upper arm a few moments later and the girl smiled, immediately knowing who it was.
"V," she mused.
"B," Veronica squealed and threw her arms around the blonde's neck. "I can't believe we did it."
She chuckled, rolling her eyes and pushing her best friend off of her. "You're perky today," she mentioned with a smile on her face.
"Well, yeah," the raven-haired girl said, Betty secretly cringing at the thought of her adding a 'duh' do it. Fortunately, she didn't. "We just finished our junior year. Only one more in this hellhole of a town and then we're free."
"I'm in," Kevin chirped, suddenly appearing next to the girls and linking his arm through Betty's just as Veronica had. The three of them started moving towards the diner about a mile away. "New York, here we come."
Betty smirked at her friends' excitement and decided to change the topic. Personally, she thought the same way about their future but didn't want to encourage the two of them into thinking that getting accepted to great colleges in the best city of the country was easy. They all had dreams and wishes, and she usually was an optimist, but this time, she tried to hold herself back, afraid of breaking her own heart.
"Where's Archie?" she asked instead.
"Oh," Veronica rolled her eyes, Betty and Kevin sharing a look at the annoyed expression on the girl's face. "I swear those football practices will kill him. He literally said he has to practice during summer."
"Well, Ronnie, hate to break it to you, but if he truly wants to become a professional, he should practice," Kevin said, adding, "all the time."
"I know, I know. Just, I honestly hoped to be with my boyfriend on the first day of summer vacation."
"Technically, that's tomorrow, so you can still do that," Betty smiled.
"To my other complaint..." Veronica continued, giving the blonde a sharp look. "My bestie is working at a diner the whole summer. And I won't have the chance to hang out with her."
"Guys," Betty said, untangling both of her arms and swinging around on her foot, now walking backward. "I'll still be here. You can come have lunch with me and I'm free every night after six."
Veronica rolled her eyes, "Yeah, and have a curfew at like nine. I swear one of those days, I'm going to give Alice Cooper a piece of my mind."
The blonde almost snorted at that and turned back around, walking a bit in front of them.
"Honestly, Betty, no offense, but I still don't quite understand your wish to work all summer," Kevin agreed with their raven-haired friend who nodded with a victorious smile.
"I told you guys. I need to get money for college, and my mom wants me to get something on my curriculum."
"First, your mom shouldn't worry about your curriculum. Second, your parents are paying for your college. And third, you're going to get a scholarship, Betty." He said it all with such clarity and confidence, that Betty almost believed it for a second.

Lost (in Your Emerald Eyes)
Fanfiction"They said opposites attract. Like the Sun and the moon, they draw to one another. Then why, now that I know you does the love we share feel so easy and real? Why now that we've tied our knots, now, only now, we figured out that the differences we t...