So, this is a short chapter because... you'll see.
Waking up the next morning, Betty groaned at the sunlight in her face and turned around, cheek hitting the slightly damaged pillow under her head as she tugged the blanket up her body and over her shoulders.
"Morning, sunshine," she heard. The girl opened her eyes, looking around in confusion for a moment before glaring at Jughead standing in his small kitchen and laughing at her.
"Shut up," she murmured and closed her eyes again, turning onto her stomach and burrowing her face into the familiar-smelling pillow.
Jughead chuckled again, shaking his head a bit as he served them eggs with toast. Last night had been crazy, at least for Betty who was constantly shuffling around, not able to find a comfortable position. The boy laughed at her when, in her sleep, she had thrown her leg over his waist and snuggled against him.
Now, in the morning, she didn't remember all of it, but the small remarks that Jughead had made about her cuddling skills were still on her mind. "How much did you drink last night? Do have a headache?"
"One bottle of cider," she grumbled and turned back to face him, sitting up slowly.
"Hangover?" he smirked
"Can you stop teasing me? I just woke up," she sighed and started rubbing her eyes when he raised his hands in surrender. Watching the way Jughead placed two plates on the tiny kitchen table, Betty sighed and got up, slowly making her way to him. "What do we have for breakfast?" she murmured.
Her eyes landed on the eggs and toast just as she sat down. "Sorry, we don't have much food, ever. It's pointless to buy some all the time if I eat it all anyway."
The girl smiled at that a bit while tying her hair up in a messy ponytail. She had felt weirdly relaxed there with Jughead the whole night, but now, in the breakfast table, her head was starting to mess with her as always. He had noticed and asked her about food before. She didn't want him to worry or understand that she had problems with eating...
Betty slowly cut a piece from one of her fried eggs and started chewing it. It was a whole lot better than her mother's who never used enough salt because it "wasn't healthy".
"Seriously, Betts, if you want something else, we can go and get—"
"No, it's fine," she cut off, giving him a reassuring smile. "Really, Jug, the eggs are good and that's what I usually eat."
The guy slowly nodded and silently watched her while Betty had troubles swallowing. She ate the first egg, and some of the second, but when she gulped down some more water and took one bite from the toast with butter—something she hadn't had in forever—her stomach gave her a strange sensation, making her get up and quickly rush to the bathroom.
She made it to the toilet, falling to her knees in front of it, and everything in her suddenly gave up, all the food that she had eaten just a few minutes ago, and yesterday coming out. The fact that there wasn't much of it though, made most of her throwing up action be dry and without results, which made it even worse.
Jughead was there right behind her, and even though her hair was in a ponytail, he held it back while softly rubbing her back, eyes wide as he stared at how she cried, trying to vomit some more, but none coming out.
When the girl finally stopped, resting her forehead against the edge of the toilet, she started sobbing. Jughead, in shock and not knowing what to do, hugged her from behind, telling her to try and calm down, and breathing slowly and loudly for the girl to follow.
She did, and eventually, got her breathing under control. "You wanna clean up?" Jughead murmured, and when she nodded, got up to his feet, helping her stand as well. Her balance was a bit off as she kept holding onto his one hand while grabbing onto the sink with the other.
In a few seconds, she looked up at him, eyes red and embarrassed. "Can you go?"
"Betts, I don't know if you should be alone right now..."
"Please," she breathed. "I'm just gonna try to get the old makeup off and just wash myself."
"Do you wanna take a shower?"
Eyeing the old shower in the corner, the girl nodded slowly, and Jughead got her a towel. "Thanks..."
"Yeah." He knew he was supposed to go now and leave her alone for a while, but he couldn't bring himself to step away without knowing what was going on. "Betty, are you okay?" he gently asked.
The girl's green eyes turned to his face once more as she nodded. "It happens sometimes, don't worry about it."
"Well, does it happen often?"
"No," she quietly said.
As if seeing the lie in her eyes, the guy shook his head, "Betty—"
"Please," she cut him off, looking exhausted. "Just forget it, Jug. It's fine. I'm fine."
"Does your mom know? Or dad? Or anyone?"
"It's nothing bad, Jug." Pushing him weakly, he stepped out of the bathroom and Betty closed the door behind him, silently. Taking a deep breath, the girl let her tears fall again as she stripped naked and stepped under the shower, having to wait for the warm water for a while, but at least getting to cry a bit while the water ran, without him hearing.
She was so fucked.
"Betty, what the hell," Veronica said when her best friend showed up at noon. "Where were you, girl? I was worried!"
To the blonde's surprise, the whole house had already been cleaned up, which really wasn't anything new, considering that Veronica most likely hired some cleaners. "Uh... I couldn't find you, but I wanted to sleep, so I went with Kev."
Now smirking, Veronica had her arms folded across her chest, "No you didn't, Kevin said he went with some other guy and didn't know where you were."
That caught Betty off guard. Her only alibi was gone. And now her friend knew she had lied.
"B, did you... hook up with someone?" Veronica beamed, looking proud of whatever the reason was.
"No, god no," the blonde said. "I only had one drink and so I went to a friend's place."
"Which friend's?"
"V, I'm not feeling the best, so maybe I can just go and lie down?" Betty asked, sighing afterward. And while usually, her best friend would've kept going, this time she saw the genuine exhaustion in the blonde's eyes, just simply nodding as an answer.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, yeah, just I feel a bit sick today... Can I go to sleep in your bed for a bit before going back home?"
"Girl, you can stay for as long as you want."
Smiling thankfully, Betty turned around and made her way upstairs, desiring to take the dress off already. Jughead's shirt had been way more comfortable, but she hadn't accepted his offer to give her a pair of sweatpants, too, considering the fact that she was many sizes smaller, and Veronica would've been even more curious.
So, changing into comfy shorts and a t-shirt without a bra, the girl climbed into her friend's bed. She had to admit that even though Jughead's had been a bit too bouncy and tough for her liking, she ached for his touch. She wished he were there with her for comfort and to just silently hold her in his arms as he had done after the shower.
Hugging a pillow, the girl cried for a while before falling into a dreamless sleep.
130 votes for the next chapter! (Because this one was short and I'm nice xx)

Lost (in Your Emerald Eyes)
Fanfiction"They said opposites attract. Like the Sun and the moon, they draw to one another. Then why, now that I know you does the love we share feel so easy and real? Why now that we've tied our knots, now, only now, we figured out that the differences we t...