The news hit them the moment they drove back into Riverdale.
Camping had been fun, and Betty had had the chance to lounge around in shorts and a bikini bra every day, occasionally going for a swim in the small lake near their usual camping spot. But, throughout all that, she had still already wished to go home.
Archie didn't make those days easy for her.
His eyes were on her all the time, and once in a while, he would mention something about the way she looked. 'Hot', 'beautiful', and 'pretty' had been the adjectives she had heard multiple times in a row that made her sick to her stomach.
Her best friend was crushing on her. The best friend who had turned her down a few years ago. The best friend who was currently dating her other best friend. And nothing about the situation left Betty unbothered.
She didn't like Archie anymore. As a friend, sure; they had grown up together. But not as a boyfriend—never as a boyfriend.
Of course, there were times Reggie could make him move on from the topic or make him look away, and for that Betty would be forever grateful. They could play cards or kick around a soccer ball without feeling like she was being watched all the time.
But still, when they finally reached the car back at the usual spot, she felt at ease jumping onto the front seat. She didn't necessarily want to go back home to her parents, but she was glad to escape Archie.
Also, Jughead. He hadn't answered or seen her texts the previous night, and the blonde was slowly growing worried. That was until they drove back into the town.
The people were buzzing with the news. In the basement of Southside High, a drug lab had been found. The mayor had received an anonymous tip about it, and the cops had shut the place down faster than ever.
Southsiders were mad they were forced to go to another school, and Northsiders were mad their kids would need to share their school with all the 'damaged thugs' from the wrong side of the tracks. The classrooms were about to be overcrowded, and the rich parents were already looking into private schools out of town for their kids to attend.
"Shit," Reggie whispered when they stopped in front of his house to drop him off. "Who do you think was the anonymous person?"
"Probably someone from the Southside, worried about their kid's future," Betty said as she glanced back at the boys while Fred was helping Reggie get the things from the trunk.
"What do you mean?" Archie frowned. "They have a school, they have the same chances as we do."
Betty frowned, turned around, and glared him down. "Their teachers are abusive, as are their classmates if you get good grades. The town doesn't care about them. They're constantly being looked down on. And I'm sure inside Southside High, the walls are moldy and old, and closing it down was only the right thing to do cause it prevents all the allergic reactions and possible sicknesses, maybe even death."
"Whoa. That's a bit much, don't you think? They were perfectly fine until now." Archie looked at Reggie for some support, but the dark-haired boy was staring at Betty, a hint of amusement in his eyes.
The blonde quickly turned her eyes away from the boy and back onto her childhood best friend. "They weren't fine. Everyone's trying to suppress their cries because their area was made for people with low income and it's not fair they have fewer chances in life because of that."
"If they have a low income, then it's their fault, don't you think?" Archie said, rolling his eyes. They had had this discussion with Betty many times throughout their lives, and when they were smaller, it would result in Betty hitting him and stomping away. Not anymore though.

Lost (in Your Emerald Eyes)
Fanfiction"They said opposites attract. Like the Sun and the moon, they draw to one another. Then why, now that I know you does the love we share feel so easy and real? Why now that we've tied our knots, now, only now, we figured out that the differences we t...