When December came around, everyone was absolutely devastated.
Betty and Jughead would stay together at all times, attached at the hip (and lip), as would Toni and Cheryl, and Kevin and Joaquin. The three friends were going to go to England on respective days and hours not to cause any suspicion. They were going to finish high school online—something that the police had taken care of—and already had a few job interviews lined up as all of them were eighteen by January.
After two weeks of staying glued to one another and clinging onto each other's hand every minute of every day, the last day the couple would spend together was approaching. And fast.
Joaquin left with a lot of tears, Toni following him a day later. And as Betty sat in her and Jughead's shared bed, she thought about the fact that her first (and possibly last) love was leaving tomorrow, after just one shared night.
She couldn't wrap her head around it.
The boy emerged from the bathroom in only his flannel pajama pants and smiled as he approached the bed and her. "Need some help with that?"
He sat behind Betty and didn't wait for an answer as he gently slipped the hairbrush from her hands. The girl smiled and let her eyes fall shut as her boyfriend carefully brushed her wet locks.
"Keep going," she said once everything was done.
Jughead didn't even plan on stopping as he dropped a few light feather kisses onto her head. "This is the last night we'll have together in some time," he quietly commented, not wanting to ruin the mood, but aware that Betty was thinking about it as well.
Or ever, the girl wanted to say.
She kept quiet.
"Yeah," she exhaled and shuffled until she was sitting against him, sinking into the warmth of his body.
Jughead smiled and lowered the brush, wrapping his arms around her after he placed the brush down on the bed right next to him. "Hey there," he whispered when her head rested against his shoulder, revealing half of her face to him.
"Hello," the girl smiled and melted into the light kiss he gave her.
"What?" she sighed and opened her eyes again. "Can't we just cuddle and kiss?"
The boy bit his lip and leaned forward to see her face better. "Actually... I know we haven't done anything like this in a while, because of everything that happened, b-but if you're open to the idea..."
Betty smiled and turned around slightly. "You wanna fuck me goodbye?"
The boy grinned at the statement and rolled his eyes. "You know I don't like that word."
"I know. But I haven't had you in so long that maybe it'd be good to warm up with that and not with teasing."
He could see the glint of hope in her eyes and knew it was there because she obviously wanted to be teased and praised, not just brought to orgasm without any meaning. "Right. So what do you say?"
"Just okay?" Jughead chuckled, kissing her cheek.
"I love that idea. Do you have condoms?"
"Yes," he whispered into her ear before climbing off the bed with the brush in his hand. He walked over to the small table in their room that they usually did homework at and placed it on there before turning back and finding Betty already in the center of the bed without her shirt on.
He growled quietly as he slowly approached the bed. "Who said you could move?"
"Who said I couldn't?"

Lost (in Your Emerald Eyes)
Fanfic"They said opposites attract. Like the Sun and the moon, they draw to one another. Then why, now that I know you does the love we share feel so easy and real? Why now that we've tied our knots, now, only now, we figured out that the differences we t...