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Fucking stupid

That's what I am

How could Jimin possibly let this happen? No other fairy had ever brought a human to their realm with the intention of brining them back alive and yet Jimin out of all had been stupid enough to let her in.

Sososo stupid.

It's not like he was especially popular amongst the other fairies anyways. Not after what happened 15 years ago. After he got fucking named.

The pink haired sighed deeply, hands brushing through his locks distressed, while he watched himself in the mirror, from where he just came from.

It used to be a big thing. When a fairy got named by a human. Today it was just... marking your beginning of a life as an outsider.

An outsider of both the fairy and the human realm.

Jimin couldn't life in his old home anymore, yet he never fully felt at home in the human world either, the fascination for these beings having faded a long time ago, as he was now faced with the raw truth of how cruel humanity truly was.

No, he didn't like it here.

Especially not scooped up in this shitty, tiny apartment with walls so thin he could regularly listen to the neighbors arguing.

If only he could turn back time and stop himself from getting named. Then he'd still life with the others, where he belonged and wouldn't need to life as an outcast in the human world, where he needed to deal with things like rents and taxes and stupid girls who followed him into the fairy realm.

It was truly tiring.

The Fairy sighed once more, a deep, frustrated sigh that sounded sad in itself. He leaned his forehead against the cold surface of the mirror, willing his thoughts to calm down.

Everything was going to be okay. That girl would probably just think she had a dream or something.

Yeah, that's it. Everything would settle by itself.


You gasped as soon as your eyes opened, looking around in wonder. You were torn between being still half asleep and confused as to how the fuck you ended up here, in your bed, sound and safe.

"Must've been a dream..." You mumbled sleepily, yawning while you stretched your arms over your head.

Lazily, you reached out to your night stand to check your phone, almost dropping it when you read the messages.

Jinnie: Y/N??

Jinnie: Where did you go???

Jinnie: Please don't tell me you murdered that guy

Jinnie: Hello???

Jinnie: Did he perhaps murder you?

Jinnie: Oh god I hope he didn't

Jinnie: Fuck you. Taemin just told me you're home, sleeping

Your fingers where shaking when you typed an apology before pressing send, mind hazy while you tried to work through the memories from the past day.

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