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"You- Jimin... are you- are you a fairy?"

Only now you noticed the tight grip you had on Jimin and quickly loosened it, while watching how the other's eyes widened for a moment, before his expression turned bitter.

"Why the fuck would you care all of a sudden?" He snarled, pushing your arms away harshly what had you stumbling back wards a bit.

You knew you'd been too pushy and too rude, but in the moment you'd seen Jimin walk along the corridor it had been an impulsive action of yours; one that you started to regret slowly.

Whatsoever, Jimin's grim reaction had you frozen, because, well, he didn't say no.

You'd totally expected him to look at you shocked or laugh at you, but this was definitely not what you had imagined to be his answer.

"W-What?" You asked blinking.

"Why in hell do you care about me all of a sudden?" The boy spat out, forcing his way past you, out of the building, where there weren't any curious students ogling you.

"What are you talking about?" You ran after him, trying to keep up with his quick pace desperately.

"What I am talking about?" Jimin halted abruptly, making you almost crash into him as he turned around, "I'm talking about you dropping me like some piece of garbage nine years ago and never looking out for me again!"

It was clear how much this topic affected him, though you still weren't quite sure what he meant  in the first place.

 "You should've just called out for me and I would've been there." He hissed bitterly, "But you never did."

You stared at Jimin, trying to comprehend the input of fuzzy information you just got, while Jimin clearly waited for an answer.

 "Nine years ago..." You mumbled,"... nine years ago... my- my mom she- died nine years ago. I'm sorry if I- I somehow hurt you during that time, although I can't really remember how..." You met his eyes which had lost their spark all of a sudden, "To be honest I can't really remember much from that time in general."

The pink hair's expression morphed from angry, to surprised, to blank, pretty cherry lips forming a silent 'oh', "I'm- sorry. Oh god, I'm sorry I didn't know."

It looked like all the puzzle pieces clicked together in his mind, but you were still left confused.

"But you... you could've still called for me..." Jimin said, voice soft, which sounded strange to you, who was used to his harsh tone, "...I could've helped you through that hard time, you know?"

You shook your head. You didn't know.

"I'm sorry Jimin but... could yo please explain what happened between us?"


Jimin felt ashamed. Ashamed of himself and the anger he'd felt towards this little girl who lost her mother for all those years.

Young Jimin hadn't understood what was happening and adult Jimin hated Y/N, someone who had no control over the situation, for it.

"You really don't remember anything?" Jimin felt sad at that, since they'd spent just about six years attached to the hip, being each other's only friends.

"I remember having a pink haired friend called Jimin." She laughed sheepishly, "I used to make up stories around him, like... that he's a fairy and that he' bring me to some wonderland, y'know?"

"And you don't believe that these stories were true?" Jimin asked, crossing his arms, while feeling the cool breeze around them slowly sober his dizzy mind.

Y/N laughed, shaking her head, "No, I don't."

At that, the boy smiled crooked, "Then why'd you ask me if I'm a fairy?"

"I..." She didn't seem to know the answer herself.

Jimin giggled softly, changing the topic as he saw her getting uncomfortable at his question, "Do you want me to tell you what happened nine years ago?"

The girl nodded, shuffling awkwardly.

"So, we used to be very good friends, you remember that, right?"

She nodded, "I'd even say best friends."

"Well, at some point you stopped meeting me. You stopped looking out for me and wanting to spent time with me just like that." The fairy looked away, "It was especially frustrating, considering the- uhm- situation I was in. I didn't know that... that you lost your mom. I know how much you loved her. I blamed you for so many years and I'm- I'm really ashamed of myself now." Jimin eventually admitted.

"It's okay," Y/N muttered, "You didn't know."

The topic was clearly making her uncomfortable and Jimin cursed himself once again for being the one making her like that.

There was so so so much more he wanted, needed to tell her, but it wasn't the right time for it now (Jimin was also not really if he truly wanted to tell her all of this yet). When is the right time for the fairy stuff, ever?

"I'm sorry for lashing out." Jimin said.

"No, no. I was being hella rude and pushy all of the time over nothing," She retorted, "I should be sorry."

Jimin grinned sheepishly, "Let's say we're even?"

She nodded, an awkward quietness spreading over them.

"Well, then- uhm, I won't disturb you any more." Jimin broke the silence, watching her nod and turn around quickly. She probably had a lot to think about, the fairy guessed.

Yet it felt weird watching her walk away just like that.

One part of him wanted to keep the distance. Wanted to prevent the bond forming between them, that had been the reason for his exile and all his misery.

The other part wanted him to run after her, wanted the bond to form and let things go their natural flow.

He settled on watching her small figure disappear around the corner with mixed feelings.

You owe her the truth

A small voice in the back of his head whispered.

Contact her, talk to her, she already knows anyways. She just forgot

Jimin learned over time that the voices in his head were the most trustful ones (do not take this too literal).


you ever just... have completely random songs stuck in your head? like why is Taylor swift's 22 playing on loop in my brain I haven't listened to this song in ages


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