Chapter 2; More Explaining

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"Another normal day", I think to myself. Obviously it wasn't, I just forgot so. I walked into the orphanage kitchen. Still in my pajamas, I poured a bowl of cereal and sat down. It was serene. Then, I jumped up and screamed. "OH MY COD" I screamed, "TODAY IS INKOPOLIS INITIATION!"
"Yes we know this" said my roommate Kelsey as she walked down the wooden stairs. Her sky blue hair in their usual long pigtails, her bangs almost covering her bright green eyes.
"Well. I just forgot."
"Forgot? Faith. You've been talking about it for 6 fishin months!"
"Well I just-"
Nathan cut me off with a yawn as he walked down the steps.
"You really have to scream?", said Nathan. His midnight blue tentacles in a bunch, his pink eyes barely awake.

"Well it's just a quirk of mine."
"Ya huh. I'm kind of glad you're leaving."
"Finally, I'll get to see everyone in Inkopolis."
In Sea Arrowin, when you turn 17, you are officially allowed to be inside Inkopolis, and live there. Everyone under that age, has to live in any other area. You basically are on your own when you turn 17. You may be thinking, "Oh yeah she's an orphan."well ima tell you. Everyone in Sea Arrowin, is an orphan. Parents don't really exist. When you're born, you're given to an orphanage. People in 6479 S.T., believe that you meet someone by fate. If you meet your parents, it's destiny.
I briskly grabbed my already packed suitcase, and walked out the door. No big goodbye party. At this point I was allowed to leave. Why wouldn't I?
I was so fishing EXCITED!
I walked for what seemed like hours, but it was worth it. I finally got to the opening course. The stone walls around me, covered in modern graffiti, the sun above me, the newly green ink on the ground. My hair color changed to match the green ink, going from lavender to a neon green. There are no adults, so I follow the Japanese signs. The signs lead me to a changing room. A neon yellow short sleeve shirt, with an unreadable grey symbol on it, appears in front of me, along with a screen. The screen says, "And Now Choose Your Legwear!" I tap the screen, and it shows me options, and I ended up picking the sport shorts. I walk out, and an ink gun appears in my hand. I jumped up in surprise, I've never held one before. The ink gun is about the size of my forearm, with green ink inside. It looks like a water bottle. Large screens show me the way, and how to work my ink gun, turn into squid form, throw ink bombs, and etc. I finally made it to the platform. The swirling pool of ink, about a foot across and wide. The screens say to turn into squid form in order to super jump, all the way to my destination. My suitcase was still in my ink backpack, and I was feeling ready, like I would be the one, the one who impacts Inkopolis. Once you get into Inkopolis, there's usually no getting out.
I walk onto the inch deep ink pool. Breathe in. I know, I'm prolonging things, but this was how it happened. I slowly morphed into squid form. The second I touch the ink again, I launch forward. I land on a spawning point. Still wobbly from the jump, I fall down. Then I quickly and eagerly jump right back up. And pace up and down in excitement. This was it. I was in Inkopolis. A friendly guide explains everything to me about the shops, battles, Grizzco, and food stops. I walk forward, in awe, the town is a sight to be seen. This is the part where clumsiness kicks in, I trip on the side of a table, and fall straight onto the ground. Two girls walk up to me. One of the girls says, "Are you ok?"
"Yeah I'm fine, I can just do things at the wrong times."
"Is there actually a right time to trip?" The other girl says
"Yeah, haha.", the first girl says.
"I'm Faith."
"Sup. I'm Tres.", says the second girl.
"And I'm Opal.", says the first.
"Opal here is an octoling." says Tres.
Usually inklings fight octolings, so I was surprised, to say the least. I jumped back and stared at Opal. She had hot pink tentacles, dark brown eyes, had a tan complexion, and was wearing a bandana, a pink hoodie,yoga leggings, and grey converse. She looked cool.
"Yeah I know it's weird". said Tres, after seeing me jump backwards.
"Sorry. I'm just surprised. I'm very expressional."
A short awkward silence followed. Then Opal said, "Oh yeah, you're still on the ground. Tres can you help her?"
Tres grabbed my arm and lifted me to my feet.
Tres had neon teal tentacles that were bunched into long ponytails that went all the way to her thighs, she had green eyes, and a light pink skin tone. She was wearing large headphones around her neck, had a red gamer T shirt, had volleyball shorts, and was wearing white high topped boots. She looked cool too.
I then realized that I still had on beginner clothes. I was embarrassed, they were going to know I was new. I wanted to seem like the cool and awesome and totally fresh person that I yearned to be. Technically, I could try to be the person I've always wanted to be! No old Faith here, just the totally amazing and confident new one, who totally wasn't a klutz and childish 17 year old.
"New around here?" Tres said, questioning the otherwise obvious.
"Yeah, I just turned 17."
"Wow", said Opal, "You look older than that"
"You want to go to the new stores, to get you some new clothes? Everyone needs someone to show them the ropes." said Tres.
"Sure. How far away are they?"
"Right next to you, Faith," said Tres.
"Ohhhhhhhh." The stores were literally right next to me. Not exactly doing well with this whole new persona thing.
Opal laughed at this. I was obviously new. Hehe.
We walked into the stores and spent about 2 hours buying all sorts of gear for Turf Wars, and clothes for all the time. I ended up wearing a baseball cap, a sky blue hooded t shirt, sport shorts, and low green converse.
"You guys want to grab something to eat?" said Tres.
"Let's go to Seanwiches!" said Opal.
"What's that?"
"Only the best hotdog thingy... place ever." Opal said unsure.
We walked over to a food truck, where a six foot lobster stood, wearing a hat that said Seanwiches.
"YOYOYO. I'm Sean, peace to y'all. What can I get for you today?"
"Peace to you too, brother!" I said, absolutely failing at seeming cool in any possible way.
"We'll have 3 crusty hotdogs." said Tres.
I had no idea what this thing was. It looked like a hotdog...?
I bit into it and my face immediately lit up.
It tasted better than anything I've ever had. Opal's face lit up as well, her savoring every moment.
"Opal's only been here for a short while." Tres explained.
"Oh, that explains why she's as excited as I am."
"Yeah. She was originally a mind controlled octoling, like a lot of the octolings here, fighting the inklings, but then she heard the Calamari Inkantation. She completely changed sides, and has been living with me."
"Wait, we sleep here?                                                                                                               
"Yes. Why wouldn't we?"
"Well I don't know. How am I supposed to live anywhere? I don't have any money."
"You can stay with me and Opal."
"Really?!?" I jumped up and got in Tres's face.
"No." Tres said sarcastically.
I sat back down.
"I was just kidding when I said no, what do you think?" Tres said.
"Oh. YAY!"
"Another roommate!" Opal said.
"Yay." said Tres, monotonously.
We all laughed and fell into a pile on the bench.
We got a backpack for me to put all of my new clothes and gear in, and then headed to Tres's home.
Tres had a pretty apartment, when we walked in the door, I was greeted with a little hallway, then a tile living room, with a couch, and a large TV. The kitchen table was a good 2 feet away from the couch, then there was a long bar, and a decent sized kitchen. There was one bedroom on the right. It had two twin beds with different deTrestive sheets. It had a large window, a bathroom, and a closet.
"Where can I sleep?"
"I don't know. Opal and I have different beds, and there can't be two per bed. We'll just have to have you sleep on an air mattress."
The room was pretty big, so we'd probably be able to fit the mattress and still have tons of room.
"Well it should be time for bed. Lights out, Tres. Faith, you can go put on some PJs and we'll watch a movie."
"Where can we watch it?"
Tres then pushed a button on a remote, and a large TV came from the ground.
I gaped. And stared. And then looked at Tres.
"What? Where did you get that."
"The store." Tres said.
"I'll pump the air mattress. Tres, go get the stuff for the movie. Faith, like I said, please, go get ready."
Opal has a soft kind voice, so something that would usually sound bossy and mean, sounded sweet and grateful. Usually if someone told me what to do, I'd be bothered.
I came back ten minutes later, and the air mattress was in between the beds. Tres had all sorts of snacks and pillows and popcorn.
"So I forgot to ask, how old are you guys anyway."
"We're both 17." said Tres
"Well, time for the movie." said Opal.
We sat down in our beds, drenched in snacks.                                                                       
"What should we watch?" said Tres.
"I heard that the movie Ink is really good" I said
"Ok, well I heard it's a bit scary." said Tres
"I may be younger than you, but you don't have to treat me like a kid." I said jokingly.
"Okay, if you say so." said Opal.
Tres and Opal fell asleep during the movie, so at the end I got up to walk out of the room. This next thing might have been my greatest mistake, or achievement.

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