Chapter 7; I'm Opal

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Why hello there! My name is Opal. I am Agent 7 of the New Squidbeak Splatoon. I'm an octoling, and living here has been quite the hassle. Getting here is a whole other story, and I'm here to tell it.
Pale summer moonlight shimmers on the seafloor.
An octopus, unaware that dawn will bring capture,
Rests within a trap, dreaming fleeting dreams...
I had a tune stuck in my head. My soul ran to it, like a moth to a flame.
Yeah, we need
More when
We rock around
Give in
To me
You need to hear our song
Eureka, I have you now
And I move
Yeah, I rule
And I feel the melody
A mix of melody then,
You need a tough skin
Oh look higher up
Can you feel it now?
You're gonna fly
Let them hear your voice
Feelin it so
The memories fade

Black, and I woke up.
"Ahoy, octolings! This battle ain't finished! Now prepare for a royal whopping! Oh well it seems that you've lost your weapons. There's no honor and defeating an unarmed opponent, so hows about we call a temporary truce while we find our way out of here. Where exactly is here?" The man that I was looking at looked around. "Oh where are my manners? I haven't even told you my name! I'm Captain Cuttlefish, leader of the New Squidbeak Splatoon, and you are?"
I layed on the ground in silence. What was my name?
The captain spoke, "By kraken, you've lost your memories when you hit the ground. You guys can't remember anything about yourselves? Anything at all?"
You guys? What? I looked over to see an octoling boy. He had pink hair, glaring amber eyes, and fair skin. I stared at him. I felt like I should know him. There were no mirrors, so I said, "I can't remember what I even look like. Can you explain it to me?" I asked Captain Cuttlefish.
"You have tan skin, chocolate brown eyes, and shoulder length hair." The boy said to me confused, "what do I look like?"
"You have amber eyes, light skin, and a pink tentacle." I told him.
"You both probably lost your memories when you hit the ground. Last thing I remember you were battling my protégés, Agents 3 and 6, in Octo Valley. When suddenly we were attacked by someone."
Agent 3, that sounds familiar.
"Well, find your land legs and let's get out of here!"
Me and the other boy stood up. We were both octolings. Octolings. The word replayed in my mind. Octarians: Slaves of the Octo King, used to splat, and treated harshly.
I remember that I needed to be free.
"I noticed that you two were the Calamari Inkantation. Could have this heavenly melody been etched into your very souls?" Captain asked.
I was free. The Inkantation saved me.
I looked at my surroundings.

 We all walked through the train, to see an open end, so we started walking on the track, pink ink on the ground

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We all walked through the train, to see an open end, so we started walking on the track, pink ink on the ground.
We walked through to an area where we were given a weapon by a contraption, and then found a key to unlock a vault that led us through. We ended up inside a subway block, and the one thing that stood out was a telephone.

 We ended up inside a subway block, and the one thing that stood out was a telephone

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