Chapter 9; Present

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We were walking with Serenity, to the theater. I had a weird feeling. I just for some reason, didn't like her. I just wanted to tell Steven that. I don't know why though. It must just be because I'm really new too.
I've only been here for 2 months.
I was standing next to Faith. She was a bubbly little girl. Her lavender tentacles flowed easily as she jumped up and down. I was half listening, half stuck in my own thoughts.
She and Pearl would get along.
"I'm super excited! I've never been to a movie either!" Faith said while jumping up and down, while we walked.
"Yeah. I'm sure it will be fun!" I said, trying to seem into the conversation.
"Have you met Pearl yet?" I said, trying to veer her away. I just needed to think to myself.
"No, not really."
"Well," I waved to Pearl, "Hey Pearl! Have you talked to 5 yet?"
"No, I believe I have not!" Pearl said. Faith and Pearl engage in conversation while I stayed at the back of the group. I was accompanied by Marina.
"Hey... something seems off with you." She said.
"I don't know what it is." I said, "I might seem crazy, but I don't exactly trust that Serenity girl."
"Really?" She said, interested.
I looked ahead. I saw Serenity and Steven, still talking.
We arrived at the theater and walked inside. I stared in awe, I still couldn't get over how amazing the surface was.
We sat down in our seats inside the dark theater. I sat next to Tres. Tres sat next to Faith, Faith sat next to Pearl, Pearl sat next to Callie, Callie sat next to Marie, Marie sat next to Isaac, Isaac sat next to Elliot, I also sat next to Marina, Marina sat next to Serenity, Serenity sat next to Steven. Something wasn't settling.
I felt weird about it.
The movie started and Serenity and Steven started talking.
I just watched them.
Tres saw me and said jokingly, "They are not using proper movie etiquette." I giggled at this.
Serenity stopped talking and looked at me giggling next to Tres. She smiled and whispered something to Steven. I had a weird feeling in my stomach, I felt like it was about me. I'm pretty sure the only ones actually paying attention to the movie were Elliot and Isaac.
The movie seemed to pass by quickly. I thought to myself that something else wasn't setting in me with that girl.
I wasn't there with Cap. How did I know that she wasn't an evil mastermind? I decided that I would ask Cap.
The movie went by and we walked outside of the theatre. Faith was talking to Isaac.
For some reason I didn't feel like telling them that they shouldn't trust Serenity.
Marina ran up to me and said, "Do you want to spend the night at me and Pearl's?"
"What about Faith and Tres?"
"Pearl is staying with Faith, and Tres is staying with Callie and Marie."
"Well then sure."
"It'll only be us octolings!"
I laughed. Marina's long teal tentacles flowed, and her yellow eyes glared. She had dark skin. We smiled at each other and told the others.
"Well okay." Tres said.
"What about Serenity? Where will she stay?" Faith said.
"She can stay with me and the rest of the boys." Steven said running over.
"You sure?" I said, concerned.
"His house is HUGE." Faith said.
Steven face palmed and then said, "She is right though. Not much of you guys are staying at your actual house."
"Yeah okay." Tres said.
"She can stay with us after tonight." I said.
Serenity walked over and nodded over in agreement.
Marina and I walked away, me being completely silent. I usually wasn't the first one to talk when conversation arose, and usually waited for someone else to start talking. I didn't want to bring up a subject that someone doesn't want to discuss, or something that they feel uncomfortable about, or if we have different opinions on stuff, not that I have too many in the first place.
"What do you want to do?" Marina asked.
"Do you want to just hang out?"
"Sounds good."
We walked for another ten minutes and walked up to a giant house. Marina and Pearl were pop stars, so they had a large house.
I walked in and jumped onto the couch. Without using words Marina knew that I wanted to talk about what went down in the theatre.
The sound of glass breaking alarmed us.
Marina and I jumped up.
"It might be a fan." she whispered.
"I have a feeling it isn't ." I whispered back scared.
I thought hard about what had happened that day, before falling to the ground.

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