Chapter 18; Yes

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I just couldn't fall asleep. I walked out onto the balcony, in the dead of night, from what I knew, everyone else was asleep.
I opened the slide door, sat down in a chair, and then stared at the ocean.
Not two minutes later, Isaac opens the door.
"Hey. Mind if I join you?" He asked.
"Not at all." I said, motioning for him to sit in the chair next to me.
He sat down and then looked at me.
"Today's been one harbor of a ride." he said.
"It was kind of fun though."
"Not very talkative tonight?"
"Yeah, I know that I'm tired, I just can't fall asleep."
He smiled at me.
"Have you ever heard the story about my first times in Inkopolis?" I asked him.
"Well then. I have a story for you."
Ten minutes later, we were both laughing, talking about our experiences in Inkopolis, the times that we were close to being normal. Of course, we weren't normal, so that changed things.
"I swear. It happened." I said.
"Sure. Sure it did." Isaac said.
"It did."
We both laughed.
"You know, this is probably the first time it's felt the most normal in a while." I said.
"Good, we need something to get our minds off peril." Isaac said.
"Faith was actually using Opal's stories the other day to distract her for being scared in the haunted house."
"What kind of stories were they?"
"Did it actually make her not scared?"
"Yeah, it worked pretty well."
"Well then love is what we should use to make the agents not scared!" Isaac said jokingly.
We both laughed.
"Well, I don't know." I said.
"I think that it would work on you." Isaac said, still joking around.
I laughed.
I looked straight into his eyes.
Our chairs were an inch apart, and he was leaning in closer.
I leaned in too.
I started to close my eyes.
I then began to blush madly, but I didn't stop.
He pressed his lips against mine.
We kissed for a while.
I leaned back, stared at him.
"You shouldn't be scared anymore." Isaac said.
"Thank you, I needed this." I said.
We leaned back, and sat back down in our chairs.
I blushed like crazy, still trying to process what had just happened.
My phone began to ring.
"Hello?" I said into the phone.
"Tres? Tres! Marie is here, but we still need more backup! There's so many of them!" Serenity said over the phone.
"Uh what?!" I said.
"Just bring some people!"
"Goo-" Serenity screamed.
The phone hung up.
"I think that this means that this just got a lot more dangerous." I said
And it had.

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