Chapter 2: Parental Bonding

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Ava's POV
Danny, Sam, and I are sitting eating our food when Tucker came up to us Sulking. He sat down next to Danny sadly.
"Strike three Tuck," Danny asked smugly
"Try to strike three thousand." Tuck retorted
"I don't understand what the big deal is about going to some stupid dance," Sam said
"I agree, I mean I don't need to be asked to dance to know that I am special. Come on ghost powers." I continued as both Sam and I looked at the guys
"What?" Sam and I said annoyed
"Paulina~," They said dazedly
Paulina was walking on the sidewalk as every guy in school stared at her. One guy rode his bike into a tree while staring. Another fell into the fountain, getting themselves soaked.
"Paulina~" The guys repeated
"Oh please Paulina, girls like her are a dime a dozen," Sam said annoyed as the guys dig through there pockets for change
"How much change you got?" Danny asked as he turned to Tucker both with coins in their hands
"Haha, very funny just remember you can't judge a book by its cover," I added
"Well, there is only one way to find out go on Danny. Go check out that book." Tucker encouraged
"I can't, I get weak-kneed when I try and talk to cute girls," Danny said disappointingly but caused Sam to get offended
"Oh, and you have no problems talking to us," Sam said clearly angry
"Actually Sam I am not that attractive." I corrected
"We will get back to that later." She said still looking at Danny
"I...uh..." Danny stuttered
"Save it go give your weak knees some exercise," I said as I got up and pushed Danny to Paulina
Danny's POV
I started walking to Paulina, but what Ava said kept playing in my mind. 'Actually Sam I am not that attractive' How could she even say that about herself? Before I knew it though I was already at the tree Paulina was sitting at. I took a deep breath to prepare myself.
"Hi, I..." I started to speak but my arm started to fazed through the tree and I fell face-first to the ground.
"Please don't say you have suddenly fallen for me. That is so last year." Paulina said
"Yeah...I mean no...I mean that's not it. I am Danny" I said trying to calm my nerves
Out of nowhere, my pants fell to the ground reveling my boxers. Everyone around me laughed as I stood there in shame. Even Paulina laughed at me.
"A gentleman usually tips his hat but I will give you points for originality." Paulina laughed while Ava walked over
"Good job Danny you just an all-time record for stepping in the shallow end of the gene pool." Ava mocked
"Oh no you did no just call me shallow, did you," Paulina remarked as I stood there confused
"If you mean I can stand in a puddle full of you and not get my feet wet then yes." Ava countered
"Shallow I am not Shallow," Paulina said as Ave pulled me away angrily
*Time skip*
"Thanks to you I now know the quickest way to a women's heart clean boxers," Tuck said happily
"Man I blew it yesterday Paulina probably won't even look at me now." I sighed
"You who Danny~" Paulina chimed
"Or not, hey Tuck," I said excitedly
"I get it. I am out. Good luck." Tuck said racing off
"Hi you, I just wanted to..." Paulina started to say before Dash pushed me in a locker
"Met me, who doesn't, Dash Baxter all-star quarterback, hero. I am also..." Dash said I fazed out of the locker and went to push him but fazed in him.
"In Dash's body?" I questioned
"Excuse me?" Paulina said just as confused as me
"Uh...right of course. I am also president of the Casper High geek club. Not only that but I have every toenail I have ever clipped, wanna see." I said making Dash look bad
"No," Paulina said monotoned
"Well, then you should get to know Danny Fenton. He doesn't scrub his mom's feet every night." I continued
"Eeeww, get lost loser." She said disgustedly as I fazed back into the locker
"Why do I feel like scrubbing my mom's feet," Dash said walking away
"We have to stop meeting like this." She said as she opened the locker door and I fell to the ground "Oh my gosh what is that?" she continued looking at the amulet I found this morning in the lab
"That?' like it?" I asked
"It's beautiful." She said happily
"That's great because it for you," I said nervously
"Yeah well in case I got the nerve to ask you to the dance, I would have something to give you. So that is for you whether you go with me or not." I said holding the rim of my pants to keep them from falling
"Well, you are kind of cute and have great taste in underwear. I accept!" She replied
She put on the necklace and walked away. Suddenly feeling a ting of guilt without knowing where it came from. Maybe it is because of the necklace.
"What am I doing that thing could be mom's or my sisters,"
"Bye Danny see you~"
"Or I could worry about that later because she said yes!" I cheered just as my pants fell again
"Pantless again Mr.Fenton. That is the third time this week I caught do you kids say it...dropping trou? I think it is time I saw your father for a parent/teacher conference." Lancer said
"Aw man, my dad?" I wined
"Here it will help you keep your pants up and...out of trouble with the man," Lancer said handing me a belt
After heading home. I overshadowed my dad for the conference. Mr. Lancer and I talked about my pants incidents. Somehow though I ended up making my dad a chaperon for the dance.
*Time skip*
Ava's POV
"So your dad is going to chaperon the dance?" Sam asked
"Yeah but he doesn't remember that I made him say yes!" Danny replied slightly angry
"Let me get this right you and Ave can just take over people from the inside?" Tucker asked
"Yeah, pretty much," Danny replied
"Well if one of you could control a girl for about two minutes," Tuck suggested
"Forget it, Tucker," I said annoyed "If you are that desperate why don't you and Sam go as friends?"
The two looked at each other. Both seemed perfectly fine with my suggestion.
"What about you? Are you going to go by yourself?" Sam asked
"I don't plan on going. I am not much for social events. There is a very small chance I will go but don't bet on it." I say
When I say this I see Sam give me a slight smile knowing I won't pass up a chance to hang with friends. Danny on the other hand looks visible upset about something. It can't be the fact I said I might not go the dance since he is going with Paulina. Tucker seemed to notice the change in his mood as well.
"Hey dude you good?" Tucker asked worriedly
"Yeah, I am fine. Just...uh...worried about my dad I guess." Danny replied
"It will work out promise. Besides I am call away if anything happens." I reassured
Which seemed to brighten his mood. Though it didn't last because our ghost sense went off. I hid under the table and transformed.
"Ghost time. Can I finish your guy's fries?" Tuck asked
Danny transformed while I flew next to him. We both flew to face the dragon ghost.
"Say haven't we met somewhere?" Danny asked
"You know this thing?" I questioned
"Long story." he simply said
Just then it started breathing fire on us. Both of us dodging quickly.
"Let's try this again I am Shadow."
"And I am Danny Phantom nice to meet you." the dragon turned around and wacked us with its tail sending us flying
"Testy got it." We said in-sink as we chuckled a bit afterward
The dragon once again blasted fire at us. We dodged and flew to attack it.
"Sorry dude but you got the wrong weenie," Danny said
We both flew at its stomach pushing it backward. Suddenly taking its huge hands to grab us and push us to the floor. I started laughing a little. Danny looked at me like I was crazy but soon knew why I was laughing. He knows better than anyone that I am extremely dirty-minded.
"I want tea." the dragon screeched
"Oh tea good idea. What kind?" I asked
"Coffee could make you a bit jittery. Better yet,..." Danny said as we fazed through the floor
"Have some punch!" I yelled as we permitted the dragon sending it flying
We fazed back through the floor to Sam and Tucker. Both of us detransforming carefully.
"Danny, Ava you ok?" Sam asked
"Dandy," I said sarcastically
"Fine but that is the second time I fought that dragon. We need to investigate." Danny explained
"How are you guys?" I asked
"Great, because I got a date and the pants are still on!" Tucker cheered
*Time skip*
Sam, Danny, and I turned on a video call. Sam, Tucker, Danny were getting ready while I did research.
"Tie strait, shirt tucked in, unbreakable ghost fishing line tucked neatly away just in case. What is taking so long with the dragon research, Ava." Danny said
"Ok hold on, I am sending it right now," I replied
"That's it, an amulet that can make you change into a dragon under extreme distress or anger. They are the amulet I gave to Paulina. It must have accidentally fallen into my backpack. Wait this means I am going to the dance with a dragon."
"Like I said looks are deceiving," Sam said then logged off
"Oh, I am definitely going to dance now. I have to make sure you don't screw anything up." I said and left the call just before seeing a slight smile on Danny's face
*At the dance* (dress is the pic above)
Danny's POV
I stood next to the punch bowl with Paulina waiting for the perfect time to ask for the amulet. I turned and grabbed two glasses of punch.
"Uh... Paulina, I was thinking that amulet," I started
"Isn't it beautiful. I haven't taken it off since you gave it to me." She interrupted
"Yeah...well about that I shouldn't have given it to you in the first place, because..." I stuttered
I looked over to Tucker and Sam noticing Ava finally got here. The dress she wore matching her two different colored eyes. That same bright and vibrant blue and purple they always are.
'She is gorgeous'
I shook the thought away and decided that saying it her amulet would not go well if something went wrong and I needed her in a fight. I looked over at Sam deciding the was the best option.
"It is actually Sam's," I said
Paulina got visibly upset with the fact I said it was Sam's. She stuck a green lizard tongue out and drank all her punch. Afterward breaking the cup, so I handed her mine.
" to make it up to you. I will get you something even more special," I said glancing over at my dad to see Lancer talking to him "Like punch! I will get you a special punch." I said hurrying away to my dad and fazed through him
"Ah...yes...Danny what a fine boy he is, as his father I get that all the time."
"Jack are you feeling ok you sound off." Mom said
"Oh must be something I ate." I said looking back at the punch "Hey how about I get us some Punch?"
I hurried my way through the crowd. Eventually reaching Tucker, Sam, and Ava.
"Tucker, Sam, Ava there's trouble," I said hesitantly
"We didn't do anything it was all Danny's fault," Tucker said worriedly
"Tucker! Sorry, Danny what do you need." Ava asked causally
'How did she know it was me?'
"How did you...never mind. Sam and Ava watch out for Paulina. Tucker keep an eye on my dad and make sure he doesn't talk to anyone page me ok" I said
"This dance just keeps getting better and better," Sam commented
"Agreed," Ava said as the walked off and so did I
Ava's POV
Sam and I walked to the restrooms in the hope that we would see her come by. We wait there a few minutes before she came by. Sam turned around walking towards here and I followed close behind.
"Danny we've got her," Sam announced
*Stay on her I am on my way and guys don't make her angry.* Danny said through the walkie talkie
"Hey Paulina, nice dress." Sam started
"Yes, and it goes so nicely with your amulet." Paulina mocked
"My amulet that's not my..." Sam tried to say but I cut her off
"You see Paulina her grandmother gave her that and amulet and..." I started to say but she cut me off
"Forget it, I am not giving up this trinket or your little boyfriend Danny." Paulina venomously said
"My boyfriend...haha...and they say pretty girls can't be funny. He is not my boyfriend he is my best friend same with Sam. Maybe that is why it was so hard on you. I am sorry I called you shallow." I explained
"Oh, I only agreed to go out with him because I thought I was stealing him from you." She said as she walks to Sam and put the amulet around her neck "Here take your crummy amulet. I am going back inside to dump your dorky friend."
At this point, I could feel my blood boiling. I look over at Sam who is fuming and her skin already turning blue. With no time to spare I raced out of the restroom and searched for Danny. Lucky for me he was just outside of the restrooms.
"Ava, what's up? What happened?" Danny asked hesitatingly
"In there now," I said to point to the restrooms
We both hurried in but by the time we got there the roof was already broken open. Transforming we saw the dragon flying to the football field. Danny kicked dragon Sam's back knocking her to the ground.
"Take it easy Paulina. You don't want to hurt Sam." Danny said sternly
"Uh...Danny that is not Paulina." I corrected
"What do you mean?" He asked and I pointed
"Shallow girl!" Sam said
"Yep, that is Sam," Danny said as she blew fire on us
"Ok, Sam two words breath mints," I said
Danny and I flew up to her. He grabbed Paulina and I tried to distract Sam which didn't go too well.
Danny's POV
I flew off with Paulina with Sam close behind. Ava was nowhere in sight which scared me.
'What did she do to her.'
Out of nowhere, Sam's tail came hitting me in the gut. I flew back to the bleachers. Turning intangible I fazed right through them. Landing on the ground tangible I see Ava stirring awake in front of me under the bleachers. Dash staring at me along with the girl he was flirting with.
"Uh..sorry." I apologized
Sam lifted the bleachers. I set Paulina down quickly going to Ava to help her up.
"Now Sam be reasonable," I said just as my walkie talkie went off
*Danny Lancer is getting close to your dad.* Tucker warned
"I hate..." I started but was cut off
"I got this Danny just go deal with your dad." Ava insisted
"Are you sure," I asked
"Yes now go." She said
I started to leave but looked back to make sure I was good. Something about leaving her there felt wrong. Like I was abandoning something special.
"Alright Sam I am sorry about this but you are not going to enjoy it." I heard Ava say
'Well, I won't have to worry about her not being able to protect herself." I thought
Quickly making my way there, I overshadow my dad.
"Oh right sorry but in this light, I thought you were George Cloney. Isn't he sharp mom...I mean Maddie?"I replied
"Well...uh...thank you," Mr.Lancer said flattered
"Now if you excuse me I would like to go to the dance with my wife. That's what we adults do dance with our wives." I said pulling my mom to the dance floor starting to dance.
"Ah...doesn't this bring back memories." My mom asked
"If by memories you mean stuff I don't remember that you do then yes, go ahead and remind me I will totally agree to remember," I replied until I heard a scream
The crowd started cheering so I took it as my chance to leave. The scream worried me, who was it and is Ava ok.
'Let's just hope that wasn't her.'
I flew through the roof and noticed Ava and Sam charging at each other. I joined Ava's side dodging fire left and right.
"I hate to say this but you throw fire like a girl," I yelled
"You are asking to be torched alive," Ava commented
I just shrugged. Pulling out the Fenton fisher I opened it up started wrapping Sam up.
"The Fenton fisher can catch ghosts and dragon ghosts," Ava said
"Way to go, dad." I finished
I finished wrapping her up and flew to the ground with Ava. She walked to Sam and ripped off to amulet. Imidantly after Sam changed back to human. We both detransformed and made sure Sam was ok.
"Sam, you ok?" Ava asked
"Ugh...did I have fun at the dance?" Sam wondered
"Well let's just say you had a roaring time," I replied
Earning a laugh from Ava. I looked at her and smiled. We made our way back to the gym where everyone started leaving.
"Sorry, your date didn't pan out. Where is Paulina anyway." Tucker asked
I looked over at her with Dash. It took me a dragon fight and hectic dance to realize she wasn't the one I wanted. The one I wanted fights beside me through every bad pun and rampaging ghost. There is no one I would rather it be.
"Eh...who cares but look the DJ is still playing and I think there is time for one more dance," Ava said turning to me
"Sure I would love to. Keep an eye on this will ya." I said handing the necklace to Tuck
"Promise me you will keep your pants up," Ava asked jokingly
"I will do my best" I replied
I looked into her blue and purple eyes finally seeing how much they sparkle. Her hair a shiny blonde, with her streaks of red, in the light. To top it all off her makeup and dress she wore matched perfectly with her eyes. This is a moment I will never forget for as long as I live.
'There is no doubt about it, I am defiantly falling for her.'

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