Chapter Twenty: Nearly Caught

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Annabeth, 25 years old, same day

We walked into Percy's house after going to the carnival. I clutched my stomach.

"I ate so much fried dough I think I'm gonna puke."

"I will second that. Did you have a good time, though?"

"Yea. Thank you so much, Percy. I honestly don't know what I would do without you." He smiled, and before I knew it, our lips were touching. We could have stayed like that forever, if not for a gasp. I jumped, and bit my lip.

"Ouch." I grumbled. I turned to see who it was. Sally was standing there, jumping up and down. Then she ran into the yard and started yelling, "MY SON AND HIS HIGHSCHOOL–GIRLFRIEND AND WIFE JUST GOT BACK TOGETHER!!!!!!!!!!! YESSSSSS!!!!!!!!!" Percy looked out the door, then starting banging his head against the wall. I just hid my face in my hands.

"I love her, but sometimes, SOMETIMES!" I laughed.

"Cheer up, Percy! You should be doing cartwheels in the yard! I mean, it's better than in the apartment when you told me she kissed you for the first time."


"Yes, sweetie?"

"I mean this in the most loving way possible, but get out." Sally sighed and walked out the door, but after she closed it, I could still hear her squealing.

"So where were we?" he asked. I smiled and we went back to kissing.


"Percy, I have to go pick up Rosalie now." he frowned.

"Why don't we just go pick both the girls up in my car then they can hang out?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Ok, ok." We went out to the car and held hands the entire way to the school.

When we got there, the whole class was standing outside in a line.

"Huh. Most of the time they are all over the place." I said.

"Maybe their nosey teacher finally called for a bit of order." I looked at him. "What?!"

"Since when do you like things to be orderly?"

"Since I got very annoyed with the teacher ."

"So you were questioned too?"

"You know it." he said.

"She should be a high school secretary. Remember how Mrs. Hera was always gossiping about the students and how much trouble she thought she could get them in?"

"Don't remind me! I spent more hours in detention with her than I did sleeping." I laughed.

We got out of the car, and the girls ran to us, followed by the woman I remembered as Robbie's mother. She seemed like a very...put together woman. She had short, curly brown hair in a bob(Says hello) with a business suit. She stuck out her hand for a shake.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson. I'm Helen Fitzerguard. Nice to meet you. I understand you are the parents of these two girls?" we both started shaking our heads rapidly.

"Er–we aren't married...and they aren't sisters." I explained.

"Could've fooled me." she muttered under her breath.

"What was that?" asked Percy.

"Nothing. I just wanted to say hi. I believe we went to high school together?" That was when I recognised her. She was Helen Teiber back then. Head of the Student Council, and School President.

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