Chapter Twenty Four: SECRET MARKERS

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Annabeth, 25 years old, same day

I ran to the bathroom, hand over my mouth. I just made it to the bathroom before puking in the toilet. Percy came in behind me.

"Gods, Annabeth are you alright?" I sighed, flushing the puke down the toilet.

"No. I'm going to take Rosie back to my house now." I helped her up.

"If you need anything, call me, ok?" I nodded.

"Thank you, Percy." He pulled me into a hug. We stayed like that for a few minutes before I pulled away.

"I love you." he said.

"I love you too." I said before we went back out to the pool. "Rosie? It's time to go, ok sweetie?" she sulked over to me.

"I don't want to go!"

"Well if you don't want to come, I guess those brownies at home will be all mine..."

"No! I mean, ok I'll come." I laughed and waved goodbye to everyone. When we got in the car, Rosie asked, "Do you think you and Percy will get married?" The thought made me smile.

"Maybe someday." I said. "Before we go home, I need to stop at Walgreens, ok?"


"I just need to grab a few things." A few minutes later we got to Walgreens. "Stay here. I'll be back in a minute." I went inside and went straight to the tests. Pregnancy tests. Taking a deep breath, I grabbed a three-pack off the shelf. To make it look like I was shopping, I bought a hairbrush and a few bottles of hand soap. I stepped into isle three. After five minutes, it was my turn to check out. I set my stuff in front of the cashier before looking up. A girl I went to high school with, Naomi Johnson, was standing there. 

"Annabeth Chase, or is it Jackson? Buying a pregnancy test. Who's the lucky guy this time?"

"I don't even know if I'm pregnant or not, and why are you so concerned?" I hissed.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe because Luke dumped me for you."

"Well looks like you do deserve each other. We got divorced six years ago."

"Well, I wouldn't be so sure. He came and paid me a little...visit...yesterday. Wonderful one, at that. Said you wouldn't let him see his daughter."

"Because he's dangerous. I don't trust him around her, and he has no rights, why am I even telling you this?!"

"I always manage to weasel out the dirty stuff. Here." she handed me the items. I grabbed it and stormed out of the store. When I got back to the car, I put the bag in the passenger seat.

"Are you ok, Mommy?"

"Yes, Rosalie. I'm fine." I snapped. We rode in silence until we reached our house. The whole way home, I felt nauseous. 

"Mommy? Is it ok if I eat a brownie?" asked Rosie when we got home.

"Yeah, yeah, go ahead." I said, a bit dazed.

"Thank you!" I decided that I would wait to take the test until tomorrow because she and Mom were having a girl's day.


"Have fun!" I called after my Mom and Rosie. I closed the door behind me and sunk to the ground with a sigh. Then I ran to the bathroom to puke. I sat in there for a long time, just staring at the test. Finally, I decided to call Percy.

"Hey, Wise Girl. Feeling better?"

"Um–yeah. Can you come over, though? I don't want to do this alone."

"Wait, slow down. Do what alone?" I sighed.

"Percy I think I might be pregnant. I hope I'm wrong, but there's always the chance..."

"Ok, I'll be right over." I sat curled on the couch for around ten minutes until he got here. 

He walked in the door, looking a bit distressed. Percy opened his mouth to say something, but I cut him off.

"I haven't taken it yet if that's what you're asking." he closed his mouth.

"I'm sorry." he said, nearly at a whisper.

"What for?"

"I forgot the condom. I–I guess I got too into it then just forgot all about them–"

"Percy. Percy!" he stopped. "Think of it this way. If I were to be pregnant, there is no one, no one, I would rather have a kid with than you. Now stop worrying because it's making me worry and I have to pee." he chuckled a little bit, and I stood up to go pee on that stupid stick.


We sat at the counter, staring at the three tests in silence.

"I'm scared." I admitted.

Percy turned to me. "Listen. If you're pregnant, I will be here for you every step of the way, ok? No matter what. Got that?" I nodded, leaning my head on his shoulder. A few minutes later, the five-minute timer went off. I jumped.

"Ready?" he asked.

"I–I think." slowly I reached my hand to the tests, but jumped back when the door flew open. Thalia and Jason pounded in. Percy was so surprised he fell out of his chair.

"Um, why do you guys look like you just saw a ghost?" asked Jason. I quickly grabbed the tests, not bothering to look at them.

"What are those?" asked Thalia suspiciously.

"N-nothing! Just...markers! I was doing therapy drawing!"

"And I was intensely paying attention!" Percy said from the floor, quickly standing up.

"Where's the paper?" asked Jason.

"We were just cleaning up." I said.

"Mhm. Then you won't have trouble showing us the-" 

NO! I mean–they're secret markers! For our eyes only. No peaking, so turn around!" Reluctantly, the two turned around and shoved the 'markers' in a drawer, making sure they were in the back and mostly covered.

"So, we came to make sure Annabeth was doing ok after her incident yesterday."

"Y-Yea. I'm doing better...must have been a little bug." I said, trying to sound genuine.

"Well, ok. If you say so. Want to go to Bro's Pizza with us? That was a rhetorical question, by the way. You are coming. And Percy, you're performing. Leo said Fridays are the busy days, and you will bring in more people."

"Friday is Karaoke night, though! " he complained.

"Then you will get picked for karaoke. COME ON!" Jason demanded. He looked at me, and I nodded.

"Fine, we'll come." 


Hehehehe. Is Older Annie preggo or not? tbh...I don't even know omg I have just winged my way through this whole damn thing. Y'all know how whenever I update this, it's late at night and I'm complaining because I'm really tired or something? Well tonight, strangely enough, I'm not that tired. It may be because of a huge coffee ice cream I got at Houlton Farms around six. A little goes a long way for me, and there is usually about 1/4 of a cup of coffee in coffee ice cream. I did my research. So how are y'all doin'? I hope you're having the most amazing, great, blessed, unique, entertaining, fun day/night ever. For some reason, my glasses frames are sticky. Ima go wash them. I love how I'm just writing how I talk in these sections–it's bizarre.

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