Chapter Twenty One: See 'Em Smooch

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Percy, 25 years old, day of the reunion

"Seriously, Jason? It is JUST a high school reunion!" Leo complained. Jason was running around grabbing things.

"No, Leo! It's a high school reunion that is just as important as prom. You know how seriously Goode takes parties." I nodded in agreement.

"This is just like Prom, anyway." I said, frowning at the memory.


"Jason, it's just prom." I said glumly.

"JUST PROM? Prom is a huge event at our school, you know this."

"He is just upset because he and Annabeth can't go together." said Frank, adjusting his tie.

"Thalia told me that Frederick isn't letting her go because he doesn't want her to see Percy, but Athena, her mom, is going to help her sneak out of the house. Took a lot of convincing to get Annabeth to agree to it, though."Jason said. I sighed.

"What happened between you guys, anyway?" asked Leo. I turned away, not wanting to talk about it.

Taking a deep breath, I began to explain. " Well, remember that night Thalia had to run out around two in the morning?" they nodded.

"Well the two of us–Annabeth and I–got arrested."

"WHAT?" screamed Frank.

"We just got into a bar fight with Luke. No big deal. So anyway, Mr. Chase comes in, and the police addresses Annabeth as–Annabeth...Jackson."

"No way." said Jason, dropping his shoe.

"So then Thalia runs in and asks for the Jacksons."

"Wait, she knew?" asked Leo in disbelief.

"Yea, it slipped one time when she was eavesdropping. Annabeth's dad... he threatened to-to kill her if we didn't file a divorce. The next day we ordered the papers, then a week later we signed them. Weren't allowed to talk to each other after that. I see her around all the time, but I haven't talked to her in nearly a year." I finished explaining.

"Dude, that sucks." they said at the same time. I glared at them.

"No shit."

"Chill. Let's just get going. Maybe you can catch a glimpse of your forbidden lady, Perce."

"Shut up."


The dance was extremely boring. Leo was with Calypso, Jason with Piper, and Frank with Hazel, and Thalia doing...something I don't want to know. I was milling around aimlessly when I bumped into someone. I looked down and saw Annabeth.

"I–I'm so sorry, Percy." she stammered.

"Hey, it's not your fault. It's fine." I smiled warmly at her.

"So, how have you been?" she asked.

"Fine. You?"

"G-" her phone rang, and her face went white.

"I have to go. Nice seeing you!" she called over her shoulder as she ran away. I gave her a half-wave before she ran out the door.

-End of Flashback

"Yea, accept you get the lady this time." Leo teased.

"What makes you think that?" I asked.

"Come on, Perce. The whole group saw you kissing a hot brunette on the Ferris wheel the other day." Jason smirked.

"That 'hot brunette girl' just happened to be Annabeth." Jason shrunk back.

"Don't tell Piper I said that. Or Annabeth. Or anyone. They would all punch my lights out. Accept for Hazel. She wouldn't punch me."

"Oh, she would punch you too. Once she knocked me out and I woke up in the nurse's office." Leo shivered. I checked the time.

"We have to get going. Where were we meeting the girls again?"

"Central, a little ways away from the reunion." answered Frank. We all got into our separate cars and drove to Central Park. When we got there, the girls weren't here yet.

"Percy, I dare you to climb that huge tree."

"On it! And it's a tiny tree." I ran to the tree and began to shimmy up it. I reached the top within five minutes.

"Percy, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING UP THERE?" a familiar female voice shouted at me.

"Climbing a tree, Annabeth! Don't judge! Also, LEO DARED ME TOO!"


"Oh yeah, the last thing you say to me before I die is calling me an idiot. How wonderful." I said playfully.

" Just get down before I come up and yank you down myself!"

"Fine! I'm coming!" I almost fell off twice, but other than that I made it down just fine. "See? I didn't die."

"Idiot." she muttered.

"Where is everyone else?" I asked, looking around me.

"Hiding from Angry Annabeth." Thalia came out from behind a bush.

"Harde-Har-Har." she said, rolling her eyes. 

"Whatever. I promised Rosalie pictures, so everyone, LINE UP! WE DOING PICTURES!" I sighed, and everyone lined up for the nice photo, then we all started doing goofy pictures. Annabeth got on my back, Hazel got on Frank's, and Piper on Jason's. Thalia stood on one end, leaning against a tree, arms crossed. Reyna did the same on the other side. After a few more pictures like that, Thalia announced, "Okay, I want to see the couple's pics. We need a kissing one and one where you aren't having a tongue battle. Sound good?" Everyone sighed but obeyed because as scary as an Angry Annabeth is, an Angry Thalia is worse.

"Hey! Owl-Face and Kelp-Head! You're up first!"

"Which picture first, Pinecone-Face?"

"I WANNA SEE 'EM SMOOCH!" yelled Leo.

"DO ZE SMOOOOOOCH!" yelled Thalia.

We shrugged and gave each other a quick kiss.

"Still so romantic. Now do it again because we were all too busy watching you exchange saliva to take the picture.


Kind of a short chapter. At least I got it done today. I'm enjoying these daily updates. It gives me something to do. I wrote it while watching the live-action Aladin. I love Aladin. I've seen the animated version so many times, but this is the first time I've seen the live-action one. So far it's amazing. I can play Arabian Nights on the piano, and it is one of the most fun songs I've ever played. The dude that plays Jafar looks a lot like the guy that plays the dress designer in A Christmas Prince: A Royal Wedding. I didn't really like those movies. Especially the last one. I didn't like that one at all. BUT ANYWAY, I hope y'all are enjoying the story so far!

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