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I woke up early today around 5:00 to a weird noice outside my house so I but up and walked down my stairs quickly but quietly so I don't wake my parents. When I went out side I looked around to see who I was but toy dismay no one was there.

After a few moments of standing there I hear a loud thud in the ally next to my house it was probably a dog there are a few strays here so I go to check and what I see is quite rare for a girl like me to see. It's a boy,... A young boy but probably older than me. It's only rare because he is amazingly beautiful and hansom I don't know how to explaine it but I feel weird inside right now. I see him glances ate but turn back to what he was doing.

"Hello??" I say instinctively "Are you all right?" He looks at me with worry in his eyes and then says yes but he looks quite sad inside and very tired at the moment I can see his blue hair in the moon light. He look so cute. Out of the blue he falls into the floor and I run to him getting on my knees as I try my best to wake him I put his head in my lap and I let him rest a while. I know this is akward because I don't know this man but he seem nice and he is also hurt.

I see he eyes start to open they are so beautiful like hazel black diamonds.     "Are you okay?" I ask "yeah I'm fine what happened?" He asked. "You passed out" I stated with the most calming voice I could muster. "Do you have any were to stay tonight?" I ask not knowing why I said that. "Nope." He said this quite calmly for my liking
"If you don't mind me asking are you

" No just got kicked out mah parents house" he says " well do you need somewhere to stay?" " You can stay with Me if you want."I say "wait- you don't know me how can you just ask me that?" I don't know what I was thinking to be truthful. " I don't mind may I ask your name?"

"I'm Min Yoongi" he says
"And I'm Y/N." I tell him
"Great now we know each other" he says with a cute slime

"So would you like to stay at my house till you get back on your feet?" I ask him hoping I can help him

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"So would you like to stay at my house till you get back on your feet?" I ask him hoping I can help him. "Sure only of I'm not a burden to you"he says  "dont worry your not I have a pretty big house you can have one of the guest rooms"
We get up and I lead him to the front door and he look at my house in daze.
"Your house is so big" he states  "yeah I know" I giggle. I lead him to the guest room making sure not to wake my parents. I guess I'll tell them in the morning about this, there pretty understanding.

I hand him a big blanket since it's winter out and its cold. But warmer inside than out. He thanks me and sits in the desk chair I quickly shut the Door and look twords him "what school do you go to?"I ask "uh- I uh go to Bangtan High" he says  "really I'm new there I start today" I say quite excited "yeah that's cool" " I can show you around if you'd like" "that be nice" I say " well I let you sleep see you in the morning Min Yoongi"
"See you in the morning Y/N"

I step out of the room and close the door. I head to my room and calaps on my bed since I'm so tired I pass out almost instantly. My last thought was what gonna happen tomorrow then black out for the night

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter feel free to vote my story if you like it so far I'll update again tonight or tomorrow morning but I won't be late so don't worry 😉🥰🥰sorry for any Grammer mistakes and problematics

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