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After we passed out on the couch watching a horror movie I woke up feeling really hot. Like there were almost 100 bodies me. I opened my eyes and we were on the floor.

'Wait what didn't I pass out on the couch' I tell my self. I look around to see there was a bed made or more like a fort. "Aiiish my silly boys." I was about to get up when I felt a body pull me back down and cuddle me into his chest.

I looked up to see it was Jimin then I felt two more hand from behind make there way around my waist. I looked to see it was Hobi. "Boys I have to get up" I said. Today was the day my dad would be leaving for another business trip and I didn't want to miss it.

"Aww but whyyy we wanna sleep in with you" Jimin whined softly. "Yeah tell me too"Hobi said. "Because my dad's leaving for business trip and I need to go say goodbye to him"

They let go of me but not before each of them squeeze me to death with a hug but a good one they I don't mind.
After they let go I get up and head to my room to get something cute to wear. Then I head to the shower. When I get out I change into this outfit.

I know im not the best when it comes to fashion but I love my combat boots and black Timberlands look so good on me I have to admit

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I know im not the best when it comes to fashion but I love my combat boots and black Timberlands look so good on me I have to admit.

After I get dressed I can smell the most delicious meal ever. I'm usually the one the one to cook but let's go see.

I walk down stairs to see that Jin is cooking in the kitchen. I walk up to him and ask him what he is making he looks at me with a smile and says "I'm making some pancakes , bacon and eggs." "It smells so good can wait to eat it" I take one last look at his masterpiece and head to the living room and see everyone is up. Even Yoongi "wow you guys are all up how is that possible" I giggle at my comment and the funny faces they give me. I walk to the couch and plop on the laps of to very comfy men Jungguk and Jimin.

They immediately grabbed me and start hugging and grabbing me for more love. "Guys your gonna break me." We all laugh so hard till I noticed that Yoongi was shooting daggers at the two with his eyes. He must be jealous. And same with the rest they all have cute pouty faces on.

I get up of the twos lap and sit regularly on the couch which makes the other seem to feel a little bit better. No pouty faces but a slight smile of relief

"Breakfast is ready" I hear Jin call from the kitchen and as soon as the words leave his mouth they're gone I'll see you very neatly at the table as they await they food.

( Small Time skip brought to you by Suga and his swagg ;)

After breakfast I say goodbye to the boys and head to my car which tae probably used to get me over here. Any who I get in and drive twardsy house when I get there I head into the living room which seems to be backed with suitcases which I assume are my dads. But when I look around I see another one. It's my moms.

Wait is mom leaving too. I walk towards my parents room and I see her packing her stuff. "Mom what's going on are you leaving with dad." She looks at me with a smile. "yes I'm gonna go along because your dad's secretary called in sick and can't make it to the flight so I'll be taking over for her."

"What's going to happen to me what am I supposed to do here all alone?" I ask her. "I don't know throw a party have friends over you need to have more fun now and then". She said.

"What am I supposed to do now I can't live alone?"
Hope you guys enjoyed this I'll update later again srry for being late on this one but im getting ready for Bangbang Con and I need to do extra chores to get the tickets so hope you understand my sich. See you later

 See you later

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2020 ⏰

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