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"You can trust me." Tae said. So I did "ok I'll tell you."Jin can we have a little time alone?" Tae asked "sure any thing for my princess." Jin said making me all flustered but still a bit sad in our situation. He leave and we begin to talk.

"So what's wrong why do you have all those cuts and bruises on your body?"
"I'll explain but let me talk you can ask questions at the end ok?" I told him. "Fine with me please begin" he said.

"Well ever since I was a young child I used to be bullied and beaten by the girls at my school some times boys but  it doesn't really matter who I was never really a popular kid at school I was actually one of the schools biggest loners and they all thought I was quite weird. And this went on all through out my school life and it's even happening here so..." I start to feel tears swell up in my eyes. "I'm scared tae I'm just really scared my past will never leave me".

"Why do you even care for me last ke you do I'm not even anyone to you."

Taehyungs POV

After she asked that it hit me.                " Because your not just some girl your special to me I know we  barely know each other but I really like you and so do the rest of Bangtan we all trust you and love you know like a fan of ours but like a part of out family and we would never hurt you or leave behind so never think like we would ever hurt you in any way. k?"

"What's that on your arm" he asks while picking up my arm and removing the bandages. He gasps when he sees a slice on my arm. He asks "let me guess she did that too"
"Yep but I'm on I promise." He looks at my sadly. He moves to the other side of the bed removers his shirt and lays next to me I look at him in shock. "What are you doing?" I asked in confusion.

"Don't worry I just wanna lay with you so you know your not alone any more and I wanna give you cuddles"he said while giving me a boxy smile. He snuggled up next to me then pulled me closer so I was practically breathing the same air as him. "Good night y/n" he says and while he goes to sleep "goodnight tae" I say as I give him a slight peck on his cheek almost touching the side of his lips. We both pass out together.

(Time skip to the morning)

I wake up in the morning no longer in the comfort of tae's arms but never the less I get up and head done stairs to see Jin in the kitchen and everyone else in the living room playing game while joon is reading a book and suga asleep on the couch. I suddenly feel like everyone was staring at me. And that's exactly what was happening. Hobi got up with a smile on his face picked me up and twirled me in a circle a couple of times. he said "your up are you ok I missed you so much"we both giggled as I whine for him to put me down "hobi I'm fine now put me down"I said in a playful voice.

Jimin was next to give me a big hug, then joon, Jin yoongi jungkook and then tae. When we finished hugging we sat down and at breakfast together. "So we heard what you had to go through and I wanna say I'm sorry you had to through that." Jimin said followed by a him in agreement by the rest of the boys "well I'm happy you guys care for me but I'm ok now I have you guys in my life and I couldn't be happier."the looked at me and smiled after breakfast we all sat on the couch and cuddled together and skipped school that day to chill


Hope you like this chapter I'm also going to start righting a new book so go check it out when you see my new book notification k and as always feel free to vote my book, share and follow me thxs guys see in the next chapter


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