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Taehyungs POV

When I got home from school I fell on my bed just having flashbacks to how stupid I was while stuttering. 'omg why couldn't I just ask her like a normal person I sounded so dumb.' I thought to myself. While I wait for hyungs to pick me up I'll just go get dressed.

After a while of trying to pick my outfit I found a nice one

After a while of trying to pick my outfit I found a nice one

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(Just imagine the rest of the fit)

I smiled in the mirror and hoped Y/n thought it looked nice.

After the hyungs picked me up we went to the party but I instantly noticed Y/N wasn't here and neither was yoongi. I silently growled and went and sat on the couch in the living room to wait for them.


I noticed the time and quickly got up and got dressed in a cute outfit.

I noticed the time and quickly got up and got dressed in a cute outfit

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You seemed to like how your outfit looked in quit some time. You walk out and go to the guest room were yoongi stayed. You seen how cute his outfit looked.

He looked cute yet hansom and stylish  yet comfy

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He looked cute yet hansom and stylish  yet comfy. " Woooww you look amazing" was the first thing to come out of his mouth. "Oh- uhhh you to" was all I could say. He just smirked and looked away " Are you ready?" I asked he said yes and we headed out to my car. I let him drive since he knew where the party was.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket I looked down and seen an unknown number the message read;

Unknown: hey where are you?

                                         Me:who is this?

Unknown: oh sorry it's me still coming to the party?

                                  Me: oh hey and        yeah I'm on my way now.see you then🥰

      .Named changed to Taehyung.

Taehyung: k see ya


I put my phone in my purse and look around yoongi parks the car in a driveway. The yard is full of redcups and drunken teenagers. 'ugh' I think to myself. I kinda can't stand the smell of alcohol but never the less we get out and head inside. We instantly spit up because of the crowd swarming us. Or more like yoongi. I go to the kitchen and get a drink from the punch bowl. There is most definitely alcohol in here but who care I pore my self a drink and take a sip. A frown  grows on my face in disgust.

I fell like I should stop were I am now and not drink. I feel a pain in my head from the loud noises and music at the party so I head to the bathroom and it's actually pretty quite in there I unknowingly forget to lock the door and lean against the sink taking a breath to camp down. Out of no were the door flys open and I stumble in surprise. It's the girl who cut me.

"Ohh hey what are you doing here" she says. "Who are you and I'm busy if you can't tell" I say to her. She looks at me as if shes going to kill me which is probably not a bad assumption. She stares at me and then says" what are you doing here with yoongi and how come your always hanging with the Bangtan boys you little hoe" I look at her with scared eyes . I say "they invited me so I came" "well you should go home because I think your hurt"I look at her in confusion"wait what do you mean.. I'm not hur-" I was cut of by a punch strait in the gut I fell to the floor. I winced in pain

"Now you are... Oh and my name is Rose. Remember it okay cuz if you don't back of of the boys you'll be seeing a lot more of me. I feel her pick me up and push against the wall I see her raise he hand about to punch me and I close my eyes awaiting the pain but I felt nothing. I open my eyes to see Taehyung holding her arm. 'rose' turns around to see him she freaks out and runs away.

I collapsed on the floor still in pain from that blow in the gut. "Y/n are you okay I'll take you to my house" I whine in pain as black dots blur my vision and I pass out.

(Time skip brought to you by yoongi's gang signs)

I wake up in an unfamiliar place. Actually an unfamiliar bed I look down and see I'm not in the clothes I went to the party in I was wearing a long oversized shirt and some shorts.
I look around to were I was I saw a picture on the night stand I look closer and see a picture of Taehyung as a kid. I looked in aw as I seen the door open. In walked taehyung and Jin. "Oh your awake" Jin said in worry but also a caring voice. "What happened" I asked "You passed out after Rose hit you and left" " she did what to our princess" Jin growled out.
I looked at him and I preety sure I died from blushing. I was a complete tomato, well as red as one. "Oh yeah sorry I didn't tell you hyung I was just busy helping Y/n. "Mmhm well next time someone hurts our beautiful creature TELL ME" he said with a little yell at the end. "Hey guys I'm alright don't argue pls" they looked at me and both have me a little hug.

When I released them I trapped in pain "what's wrong is your side hurting again?" Tae asked."very much" I say while still whining
"Here let me check"he says while moving the covers of me. I feel a certain comfort form him till he raises the covers revealing my cuts and bruises from my old school and a very big black and purple bruise Frome Rose.

I quickly remove his hands and cover my self up again. "Why do you have so many bruises on you" he asked in worry. "I uh- uh don't wanna talk about it" I say in a scared tone. "Hey don't worry you can tell me anything I want get mad I'm here for you." I looked into his eyes trying to figure out why he was so nice to me and why he doesn't treat me like kids at my old school. He is different. 'should I trust him' I asked myself.

Hey guys welcome back I'll make sure to update on time at 7:30 have a good day and hope you liked this story Thxx for reading and please feel free to vote and share. See you in chtp : five 🤭🥰🥰🥰

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